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Cover Girl Lesa Milan Volume 13

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V13Lesa MilanTV PERSONALITY & ENTREPRENEURREALITY TV JUST GOT SO MUCH BETTERMotivationnever lookedthis STYLISH!PRICELESSeverybeautyT h i s i s f o rPRICELESSDiscoverInterviewswith fearlesswomentrailblazingtheir way tosuccess.ELEVATE YOURSUCCESS WITHSELF-CAREGET INSPIRED BYWeddings & EventsFamily + more+Beauty+WellnessThe Island Issue

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Never miss a back daily fornew pages added.Follow ourSocial Media1CHIDI EZE TAKES THE LEADSupporting text for thecover story goes hereNailing thePerfect FitRedefiningModernityOn OwningYour OwnStyleMore thanJust TrendsBest ReadTablet or DesktopHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Dear Hey Beauti Readers,Welcome to Hey Beauti Magazine – a unique blend of beauty, wellness, and empowermentdesigned to inspire and empower you on your journey to self-discovery. We arecommitted to being your partner in this empowering journey.As the CEO & Publisher of Hey Beauti Magazine, I am thrilled to have this opportunity toconnect with you through the power of words and visuals. Our mission at Hey Beauti is tocelebrate the essence of beauty in all its forms and empower you to embrace your uniquestyle and individuality.At Hey Beauti, we believe that beauty goes beyond just the surface. It is a reflection of yourinner self, your confidence, and your unique story. Through our pages, we aim to inspireand uplift you by showcasing the stories of bold, unstoppable women who haveconquered their challenges and emerged as beacons of strength and resilience.From the latest beauty trends to wellness practices that nourish your mind, body, and soul– Hey Beauti Magazine is your go-to resource for self-care. We are committed to providingexpert advice, insightful interviews, and thought-provoking articles to empower you withthe knowledge to live your best life.But Hey Beauti Magazine is not just about us – it's about you, our incredible readers. Wewant to hear your stories, your triumphs, and your journey towards self-love andacceptance. Join our vibrant community, connect with like-minded individuals, and shareyour experiences with us. Together, we can create a space where beauty is inclusive,diverse, and celebrated.I invite you to explore our website at, where you will find atreasure trove of inspiration, knowledge, and resources to help you on your path to self-discovery. Stay tuned for exciting features, exclusive interviews, and captivating visualsthat ignite your passion for beauty and wellness. Don't forget to share your thoughts andexperiences in the comments section or through our social media platforms. Your voicematters to us.Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey. We are truly grateful for your time andinterest. Let's embrace our individuality, uplift one another, and celebrate the beautywithin every one of us.With love and beauti,CEO & Publisher, Hey Beauti MagazineA B O U T H E Y B E A U T I M A G A Z I N E@nicolahstyles

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IN THIS ISSUELesa Milan The Strong Female LeadLesa, talks Housewives& EntrepreneurshipWomen Who GlowTriumphant ode to victory and a testament to the unbreakable spiritof womanhood!What to Read, Watch & Where to GoA tantalizing glimpse of great books, films, series, travel, and moreEditor PicksCurated beauty and lifestyle products selected by our teamWeddings & Event StyleGorgeous inspiration for your upcoming wedding or event!Health & WellnessReferrals and guidance for maintaining your well-being and health.Family StyleEmpowering inspiration and style for motherhood, maternity, home,and beyond!HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Incorporating Kaizen into Life Habit Formation:Embracing Kaizen involves making small, consistentchanges in daily routines, such as dedicating a fewminutes to mindfulness practice, exercise, orlearning new skills. Health and Wellness: Small, sustainable lifestylechanges, like consuming more water each day ortaking short walks, can improve overall well-being. Applying Kaizen to Business Process Optimization: Encouraging employees to suggestand implement minor improvements in processes,procedures, and workflows to enhance efficiencyand productivity. Quality Enhancement: Fostering a culture whereeven the slightest quality issues are addressedpromptly, leading to improved products or servicesover time. Employee Development: Facilitating ongoing,small-scale training and skill-building activities tonurture a culture of continuous learning andprofessional growth.HAVE YOUHEARD OFTHE KAIZENPHILOSOPHYHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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The KaizenPhilosophyThe Kaizen PhilosophyIntegrating Kaizen in CareerSkill Enhancement: Regularly dedicating time to acquire new skills, whetherthrough short online courses, workshops, or mentorship, to continuouslyevolve and remain competitive in the professional landscape.Networking and Relationships: Small efforts to expand professionalnetworks, such as reaching out to a new contact or engaging in brief,meaningful interactions with colleagues, can lead to valuable opportunitiesand connections.Goal Achievement: Breaking down long-term career goals into smaller,actionable steps and consistently working towards them, resulting in steadyprogress and eventual success.Key Benefits of KaizenSustainability: Small, incremental changes are often more sustainable andless daunting than sudden, drastic overhauls.Cultural Transformation: Embracing Kaizen can foster a culture ofinnovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement in both personaland professional environments.Long-Term Impact: Over time, the cumulative effect of these minorimprovements can lead to significant, lasting transformation and success.By integrating the principles of Kaizen in life, business, and career,individuals and organizations can cultivate a mindset of perpetualgrowth, resilience, and adaptability, ultimately leading to sustainedimprovement and success.

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The Kaizen Philosophy1. Appreciation: Showing someone love is a beautiful way to expressappreciation for their presence in your life. It lets them know that they arevalued and cherished.2. Connection: Love is a powerful force that strengthens the bond betweenindividuals. Showing someone love fosters a deeper connection andcreates a sense of closeness and understanding.3. Positivity: Love has the power to uplift and inspire. When you showsomeone love, you bring positivity into their life, creating an environment ofhappiness, support, and encouragement.4. Emotional well-being: Love profoundly impacts our emotional well-being. By showing love to someone, you contribute to their overallhappiness, boost their self-esteem, and foster a deep sense of belongingand acceptance.5. Ripple effect: Love is contagious. When you show love to someone, itoften inspires them to pay it forward and spread love to others. You havethe power to create a chain reaction of love and kindness by initiating thisripple effect.So, let's take a moment today to show someone love and experience thejoy of making a positive difference in their life.The reason why you should show someone love today

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The Kaizen PhilosophyA journey of a thousand miles begins with asingle step. Embrace the Kaizen Philosophy andcommit to small, continuous improvements foryour wellness every day.“HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Nicola H. HagginsPhotographer: Faadhila Sharief@lighthousestudioStylist: Shenell Welch@shenell.Welch Makeup: @flairbywinnie Hair: Marva @Brown.sugarme Creative DirectorNicola H. HagginsProducerShruti SadanaEditorial DirectorBeverly GriffenFeatures DirectorFaylah HolnessVideographyCOVER SHOOTMeechthe Island ISSUECOVER SHOOTWhat we loveabout Jamaica Claire Sulmers

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WOMEN WHO GLOWExplore the essence of Hey Beauti, Cocktails &Girltalk "Women Who Glow" series. Prepare to be stirred, elevated, and energized aswe highlight women's dazzling accomplishmentsand bios, paving the way for others to berecognized and celebrated through yournominations. Each narrative is a celebratoryanthem of victory and a testament to theindestructible essence of womanhood.HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Illustration of CEO of@fashionbombdaily &@fashionbombdailyshop.@fashionnovacurveAmbassador. Harvard GradBy Artist @nicolahaggins

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Introducing Mecole Meme Hayes: ThePolitical Powerhouse Making Waves onCapitol Hill and Beyond 🌟Step into politics and entertainment with theextraordinary Mecole Meme Hayes—adistinguished Political Consultant, CapitolHill Alum, and captivating T.V. personality onthe acclaimed Big Brother show. With aformidable educational background,including a B.A. and M.Ed, Mecole stands as ashining example of excellence in bothacademia and real-world expertise.Her profound understanding of the intricateworkings of politics and her invaluableexperience as a Capitol Hill Alum haveestablished her as a force to be reckonedwith in the political arena. Mecole's astuteinsights and unwavering dedication to hercraft have earned her the respect andadmiration of peers and constituents.Join us as we delve into Mecole's remarkablejourney, uncovering the secrets of hersuccess and the invaluable wisdom shebrings to the table. Prepare to be inspired,informed, and thoroughly captivated by theremarkable Mecole Meme Hayes! WOMEN WHO GLOWVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEMecole “Meme” Hayes

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BEAUTIWe would love for you tounveil the magic behind yourradiant, flawless skin?Aloe vera! The gel from an aloeplant is magical, and it's mysecret weapon for fighting offblemishes. At least twiceweekly, I sleep overnight withaloe gel as a face mask,leaving my skin glowing andblemish-free!And in what ways has yourbeauty ritual transformed andflourished through the seasons?"I'm constantly learning moreabout what my skin needs tothrive, so I love finding new waysto meet my unique skin careneeds at any given time. I use richmoisturizers and hydrating masksin the colder months to combatdryness and keep my skin niceand supple! When Spring arrives, Iprefer lighter serums torejuvenate and refresh mycomplexion. I prioritize SPFprotection during summer toshield my skin from harmful U.V.rays while maintaining a radiantglow.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEMecole “Meme” Hayes

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What are the top three beauty essentialsyou swear by?Clean Skin Club Face TowelsVaselineDove Beauty BarIs there a must-have beauty item youalways carry with you?My purse is never without lip oil for thoseurgent hydration moments! Whetherglammed up or keeping it natural, I alwaysreach for something juicy and hydrating formy lips.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEBehind the Scenes Glam Secrets: Your storage roomrants were iconic! Can you give us a sneak peek intoyour glam routine on the show and how you managed tokeep it so effortlessly chic under the constant scrutiny ofthe Big Brother cameras?Thursdays were my favorite glam days of the weekbecause that's when live evictions were held, so that'swhat I centered my routine around. My first focus isalways hair! On Tuesday nights, I'd start my routine bywashing and deep conditioning my clip-in extensions,allowing them to air dry for a complete and bouncy look.On Wednesdays, I prepped my natural hair by washing,deep conditioning, and applying a hair masque, thenblow drying and straightening. I'd throw in a sheet maskand full body scrub to ensure my skin was glowy andradiant. So, everything left to do on Thursday is install andstyle the clip-ins and put together a cute makeup look!BEAUTIMecole “Meme” Hayes

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Are you more inclined toward mocktails or cocktails?I love a good cocktail! I was a bartender throughoutcollege, so cocktails have always been a marker forcelebrating and enjoying life!If you could have an exclusive one-on-one cocktail andgirltalk session with any person, living or deceased, whowould it be? What drink would you enjoy? Where wouldyou go for this rendezvous? And what two thought-provoking questions would you ask them?VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEAaliyah would have so much to spill, fromthe secret beauty hacks that kept herlooking flawless to the forward-thinkingfashion choices that continue to inspiretoday's trends. Can you imagine getting thetea on how she looked perfect in baggyjeans and a crop top? Iconic! And let's notforget that Aaliyah wasn't just a style icon;she was a talented artist whose musictouched the hearts of millions and left alasting impact on the industry! Diving intoher creative process, discussing her musicalinfluences, and uncovering some never-before-heard stories behind her biggest hitswould be amazing!Aaliyah had depth, intelligence, and insightsI'd love to explore. I'd love to discusseverything from the shifting landscapes ofmusic and fashion to the nitty-gritty ofbeing a powerful woman in theentertainment industry. And yes, we'd delveinto some political talk, sharing views onhow the world has changed since her timeand what she believes we could do toimprove it. It would be an evening oflaughter, learning, and the best Instagramstories ever. Aaliyah, a legend, is gone toosoon but forever a queen in our hearts!It would be with the R&B Princess,Aaliyah. I envision us at a cozyand ultra-chic lounge, the airfilled with the soft glow ofambient lighting, and there weare, sipping on the mostexquisite cocktails (I'm thinkingsomething with a twist, maybe alavender martini for me and arelaxed, sophisticated bourboncocktail for her). It's not just ameeting; it's an event, honey!COCKTAILSMecole “Meme” Hayes

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Cultivating & Celebrating Supportive Friendships:"Many of our readers are navigating the challenge of building a supportivecircle of friends while also growing their careers. What advice would you give tosomeone striving to balance these two important aspects of life?"The key to finding balance is all about intentionally deciding who you surroundyourself with. So much of your personal and professional growth will depend onthe relationships that uplift, inspire, and support your goals and ambitions.Surround yourself with people who understand the demands of your career andare willing to cheer you on every step of the way. Be bold and lean on your friendsfor advice or help when navigating tough decisions or challenges at work. Arobust support system is essential for success as your responsibilities change!VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINECOCKTAILSBreaking Stereotypes on Big Brother: Meme, your time on Big Brother wasunforgettable, not just for your humor and glam but for how you representedblack women. Could you share how you navigated the reality T.V. space tochallenge stereotypes and redefine beauty standards?I knew going in that I wasn't just representing myself. Instead, I wasrepresenting an entire community that, above all else, I wanted to inspire andmake proud. So, I strutted into that House with a game plan: beunapologetically me and show little girls what's possible when you confidentlylead. I wanted to showcase the rich tapestry of black beauty, black hair, andstyle because beauty isn't one-size-fits-all; it's diverse and unique, and asblack women, we deserve credit for the work we've done to establish ourstandards of beauty and serve as a source of inspiration in the entertainmentspace. It was about speaking up, too. Whenever stereotypes or biases tried tosneak into the conversation, I shut it down and redirected it with grace,understanding, and humor.But here's the honest tea: challenging stereotypes and redefining beautystandards on reality T.V. is a team sport. It wasn't just about me standing upbut creating moments people could rally behind. Whether it was a heart-to-heart about the importance of embracing my natural hair on T.V. or simplyembracing every part of my family's history and culture, both on-screen andoff, it was about starting conversations that continued on social media and insocial settings long after the cameras stopped rolling. And let me tell you, theoutpouring of love and support from all of you has been the real prize.GIRLTALKMecole “Meme” Hayes

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VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALKThe Meme Effect: Fans and fellowhousemates were captivated by yourhair throughout the show. How do youfeel about your impact in promotingnatural hair beauty and confidenceamong black women?For as long as I can remember, my Momhas always championed my natural hair,and she shared all her secrets onmaintaining it and keeping it healthy,which are lessons I've carried with methroughout the years. There's a lot ofdowntime in the Big Brother house, sowhen I wasn't competing or strategizing, Ienjoyed being able to highlight my haircare routine and some of my favoriteblack hair care products that kept my hairhydrated and healthy, even under all ofthe bright lights. Coming home to such apositive reception of the hairstyles andhair care tips I shared throughout theseason was a sweet surprise!Thousands of tweets flooded in fromwomen everywhere who gushed over myhair's fabulousness and wanted to knowall my secrets! Seeing so many incrediblewomen feeling inspired to rock theirnaturally textured hair confidently is likewatching a garden of beautiful, uniqueflowers bloom. Each one is different, andeach one is stunning. It's more than justhair; it's a statement of self-love andempowerment!Mecole “Meme” Hayes

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From Politics to Prime Time: Transitioning from a politicalconsultant to a reality T.V. star is quite the leap. How hasyour background in politics influenced your gamestrategy and interactions in the Big Brother house?I spent a decade working in D.C. politics before playing BigBrother, so I took all that knowledge and experience into theHouse. It's like swapping a power suit for primetime T.V.overnight—but let me assure you, the strategy game? It'sjust as intense, if not more!Being knee-deep in politics taught me the art ofnegotiation, the importance of alliances, and the criticaltiming of revealing your hand. Subtly is a highly regardedart in politics - not so much in reality T.V.! In the Big Brotherhouse, it's all about reading the room. Just like in politics,you need to know who's with you, who's against you, andwho's just pretending. Plus, having a natural ability toconnect with people helps in those heart-to-heart convosand during those nail-biting eviction night speeches. Mypolitical background was my secret weapon, helping menavigate the game with humility, patience, and savvy.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALKEmpowerment through Representation: Through yourjourney, you've become a role model for many. Whatadvice do you have for young black women striving tomake their mark in industries where they areunderrepresented?My best advice is to have an excellent work ethic!Unfortunately, as young black women, we must work twiceas hard as everyone else for a third of the pay and beexcellent throughout our journey for half the recognition! Ina world that has historically given less to women, don't everbe afraid to ask for more!Mecole “Meme” Hayes

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The Power of Humor: Your humor wasfresh air on the show. How important ismaintaining a sense of humor in high-pressure environments, whether in theBig Brother house or the politicalarena?Laughter is the common theme at thecenter of all my favorite memories. Sowhether I'm walking the halls ofCongress or navigating the politics ofthe Big Brother house, a good laugh isyour best accessory. It's not just abouttelling jokes; it's about keeping the vibelight and the spirits up, makingconnections, and showing that, despitethe pressure, you still feel confidentenough to make others feel good! Ithelps keep things in perspective, breakdown communication barriers, andmake you everyone's favorite person tobe around.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALKMecole “Meme” Hayes

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Social Media as a Campaign Tool: With your deepunderstanding of politics and your newfound fame, how do yousee platforms like Instagram and Twitter shaping politicalcampaigns, especially as we approach the 2024 electionseason?Social media is a powerful tool for advocating for essentialcauses, mobilizing support for social change, and engaging witheveryday voters. I see platforms like Instagram being used forcreative storytelling and effective communication of complexideas in a way that resonates with a broad audience. Byleveraging social media platforms effectively, candidates canamplify their voices, connect and engage voters, and show amore authentic side of politics that many don't believe exists. I'mexcited to harness the power of my social media platforms tocontinue raising awareness about pressing issues affecting mylocal community and inspiring others to do the same!Engaging Gen-Z in Politics: As someone who's engaged both inthe glitzy world of reality T.V. and the serious business ofpolitics, what strategies do you believe are most effective inmobilizing Gen-Z and beyond to participate in their civicduties?I've learned that young people are looking for authenticity aboveall else. They want to see actual, relatable figures whounderstand their struggles and can speak to them in a way thatfeels genuine. Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagramcan be incredibly effective in connecting with young people, asthey spend significant time scrolling through these apps. Thesedigital spaces allow for quick information dissemination andinteractive engagement that resonates with their fast-pacedlifestyles. Creating relatable content that speaks directly to theirconcerns and values is key. Whether it's addressing climatechange, racial justice, or student loan debt, connecting theseissues to why voting matters can spark the interest of Gen-Z andfirst-time voters, we should all be working to foster a sense ofcommunity through grassroots movements and youth-ledinitiatives that empower young people to take ownership of theirrole in shaping the future.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALKMecole “Meme” Hayes

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The Future of Political Consulting: With your unique blend of entertainment and political savvy,how do you envision the role of political consultants evolving, especially in leveraging media andpublic figures to influence policy and public opinion?With the rise of social media and celebrity influencers, my role as a political consultant has neverbeen more exciting. The keyword here is "leverage," which translates to harnessing the power ofmedia and public figures to shape policy and sway public opinion in unprecedented ways. I'veworked with a handful of national non-profit organizations using this strategy to highlight the issuesthey champion - and it's working! Imagine a world where politicians rely on traditional campaignstrategies and collaborate with entertainers, athletes, and online personalities to connect with voterson a deeper level. Picture a future where viral videos, Instagram stories, and Twitter threads sparkmeaningful conversations about important issues and drive real change with policymakers at thecenter of the conversation. As politics continues to evolve in this digital age, I'm constantlychallenging myself to think creatively and strategically about my work alongside clients because Iunderstand how crucial it is in shaping how we engage with politics for years to come.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALKLooking Ahead: After such amemorable stint on Big Brother, what'snext for Meme Hayes? Are there anyprojects or initiatives you'reparticularly excited about, especiallyones that might blend your politicalexpertise with your passion forrepresentation and empowerment?I am beyond excited to embark on thisnew journey of creating a specializedhair extension and hair care line forwomen of color. My passion for thisproject stems from a deep desire tocater to the unique needs andchallenges many of us face with ourhair. From addressing issues like densityloss and scalp health to promotinglength retention, I am committed todeveloping effective products thatcelebrate our hair textures' beauty anddiversity. I aim to empower women toembrace their natural hair and feelconfident in their skin. Advocacy willremain at the core of our mission as wework to tackle biases and otherdiscriminatory actions that politicizeand weaponize black hair. This projectis not just a business endeavor for me;it's a labor of love and a way to upliftand support my community. I can't waitto see where this path takes me next!Mecole “Meme” Hayes

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Dr. Nina Cash - Sports Illu strated Rookie Model Winner/Finali stIn a remarkable turn of events, Dr. Nina Cash has emerged as ashining example of an 'encore career' at the age of 57, being namedone of the seven winners to be featured in the 60th Anniversaryissue of Sports Illustrated, slated for release in May 2024. Nina'sjourney from a retired university associate dean to a SportsIllustrated swimsuit model serves as an inspiration, breaking barriersand stereotypes prevalent in the industry. Her representation notonly encompasses Asian culture, particularly Filipino heritage, andwomen over 50 but also sheds light on the diabetic community. Nina's unwavering belief that it's never too late to explore a newcareer path resonates deeply with her as she embarks on thisextraordinary modeling venture, defying the industry's notoriouspractice of sidelining female models after a certain age. Nina'sacademic pursuits and philanthropic work further underscore hermultifaceted contributions to society, aligning herself with the GetSafe organization and volunteering for various programs to create asafer environment for children and individuals with disabilities. When not immersed in her modeling career and philanthropicendeavors, Nina cherishes her time with her husband, professionaldancer/choreographer Aaron James Cash, in Long Beach, where sheenjoys playing with their foster dogs, dancing, and embracing life tothe fullest. Her fervent dream includes participating as a contestanton ABC's 'Dancing with the Stars,' a testament to her athletic figureand dance abilities, attributed to her husband's illustrious dancingbackground. This interview with Dr. Nina Cash promises to unveil the remarkablejourney of a woman who has redefined age, beauty, and the pursuitof new opportunities, spreading a message of empowerment andresilience that resonates with all of us.Dr. Nina CashHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Dr. Cash, we're all curious about yourbeauty journey. How have your beauty habitschanged over the years? Could you take us throughthe evolution of your beauty regimen from yourteenage years to now?My beauty routine as a teenager was quite unique. Iused Ivory Soap on my face, applying it with facialbrushes my mom used to buy from her Avonrepresentative. For a face mask, I would put raw eggwhites on my face for about 20-30 minutes. Andbelieve it or not, my facial moisturizer was regularlotion or an ultra-thin Vaseline film.From my early twenties to now, I have used CetaphilCleanser and oxy pads to clean my face. I also applya retinol, moisturizer, and sunscreen. As I have gottenolder, I've noticed that my eyelashes tend to shed alot faster. I discovered Grande Lash MD LashEnhancing Serum and am beyond pleased with theresults; I get many compliments on how long mylashes are.I also make it a point in the morning (when I can) todunk my face in ice water three times, for about 10-15seconds each time. It helps with a puffy face andeyes, removes the swelling, and refreshes me!I do not wear a lot of makeup daily. Usually,foundation (Il Makiage – Woke up Like This), powder(MAC – Studio Fix), curled lashes (Elf – lash curler),mascara (Thrive Causemetics), a bit of lip gloss(Mecca Cosmetica – Original Lip De-Luscious withSPF 25) and I am ready to go.For special occasions, I enhance my look with a redlip. MAC Russian Red lipstick has been my "go-to" fordecades.What beauty tips have stood the test of time foryou?Sometimes, less is more.Vaseline is a good lip moisturizer and mascara is amust.BEAUTIHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Are you more inclined towardsmocktails or cocktails? Cockta ilsIf you could have an exclu sive one-on-one cocktail and girl talk sessionwith any person, living or deceased,who would it be? The beautiful, elegant, selfless, kind,and compassionate Audrey Hepburn.What drink wou ld you enjoy? Extra dirty (filthy) gin martini, threeolives.Where would you go for thisrendezvous? Salvador Bachiller Greenhouse inMadrid, Spain!And what two thought-provokingquestions would you ask?What is the most life-changingdecision you have made on a whim?What would your life be like if youhadn't done it?COCKTAILSHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Breaking Barriers at Ever y Turn: Dr. Cash, at 57, you've sh attered the agebarrier in an industry celebr ated for youth. What message do yo u hope yoursuccess sends to women worldwide about age and ambition?Age is a number that measures one's time on this earth, and time waits for noone; it will pass regardless of what you are doing or not doing. By being a 57-year-old Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Rookie, I can send a powerful messagethat aging is a gift that not many are fortunate to receive. So, just do it—openyour gift and Slay the Gray!Representation Matters: As a proud Filipino woman and the eldest of the2024 SI Swimsuit Rookie Models, how do you feel about representing Asianculture and women over fifty in the fashion indus try?As a proud Filipino woman and the eldest of the 2024 SI Swimsuit RookieModels, I am honored to represent Asian culture and women over fifty in thefashion industry. I look to many community members with pride at theircontributions, and I am excited to add to what many Filipinos and Asianshave already accomplished. It is encouraging to see the 1980s and 1990s supermodels, now in the latefifties and early sixty's, back on the catwalks and in magazines. I hope oneday to also be on the cover of a fashion magazine, slaying the gray andrepresenting my GenXers. Fellow pinay Apo Whang Od, at age 106, appeared on the cover of PhilippineVogue last year … I still have a chance! A New Chapter: Dr. Cash, your transition fro m academia to modeling is atestament to the power of resilience and dete rmination. What inspired youto embark on this bold and exciting 'encore career'?I had modeled a bit right out of high school and in my early twenties. Imarried, had a child at 26, and needed more financial stability. Therefore, Ifocused on a career in workforce development and education. A few months after I retired in June of 2022, I contacted my former agencyand said I would like to dip my toes back into the modeling pool. With a bit ofhesitation, I told them that my hair was turning gray, and I had no plans ofever dying it again. To my surprise, they were excited, as the look of a maturemodel with gray hair was "in fashion"! My journey with SI Swimsuit began in Australia at the end of 2022. Myhusband and I decided to spend the holidays there, as we hadn't visited in afew years due to the pandemic.Realizing I needed a bathing suit for our sunrise beach walks, I found the onlyoption available in my size: a two-piece leopard print bikini. Although I grewup in a modest Filipino, Catholic, military family, I bought it, thinking only myhusband and a few early walkers would see me.On New Year's Day 2023, my husband took candid photos of me. Whilescrolling through them that evening, I jokingly said, "Not too shabby for a 56-year-old gray-haired retiree!" Remembering Kathy Jacobs, a 57-year-old SISwimsuit winner, I applied.Surprisingly, the application period had been extended to January 1, 2023, inthe USA. Since Australia is a day ahead, I quickly put together a videoapplication and submitted it. Almost two years later, I am happily swimmingin the deep end of the modeling pool!GIRLTALKHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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GIRLTALKOvercoming Doubts: The fashion industry is notoriously tricky. How didyou overcome any doubts or challenges enter ing this new career path?Being a 57-year-old woman with many life experiences has madenavigating and managing this new career path more accessible for me.Returning to the industry with gray hair, which is currently in vogue, hasalso smoothed the process; people have been incredibly supportive andaccepting.Additionally, as a lifelong learner who isn't afraid to ask questions, I'veembraced every opportunity to learn and grow. My first red carpetexperience was at the 60th Anniversary SI Swimsuit Issue ReleaseCelebration. Since this was my first event/rodeo, I needed to ask questionsand understand the ropes (pun intended). This willingness to learn andadapt has been instrumental in my return to modeling.A Role Model for the Diabetic Community: As someone wi th diabet es,what message do you hope to send to others mana ging the conditionwhile pursuing their drea ms?As someone with diabetes, I want to convey a strong message: yourcondition doesn't define you or limit your potential. You can managediabetes while still chasing and achieving your dreams. Be proactiveabout your health, stay resilient, and don't let diabetes prevent you fromreaching your goals. Embrace every opportunity with confidence, knowingyou can overcome challenges and succeed. HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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GIRLTALKLifel ong Le arning: Having ac hieved your doctorate focusing on adultlearning, how has being a lifelong learner influenced your mode ling career?Being a lifelong learner has dramatically impacted my modeling career. Ilove learning this craft through "on-the-job training" (OJT). I learn best bydoing, and though I was clumsy when I first modeled bathing suits, thekindness and guidance of photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists, andother crew members were invaluable. I took notes then and will keep takingnotes!The Power of Repre sentation: Dr. Ca sh, with your diverse background, howcrucial is it for you to challenge and change the narrative aroun d who canbe a model today, making everyone feel included?As someone with a diverse background, challenging and changing thenarrative around who can be a model is crucial. I believe in making everyonefeel included in the world of modeling. Representation matters, and bybroadening the definition of beauty and modeling standards, we canempower individuals from all walks of life to see themselves reflected in theindustry. It's about celebrating diversity, embracing uniqueness, and ensuringeveryone feels valued and represented.Furthermore, it's truly inspiring to witness the changes initiated by icons likeIris Apfel, who signed a modeling contract at 97; Maye Musk, a scientist anddietitian, gracing the SI Swimsuit cover at 74; and Designer Balmain featuringmature "silver sisters" in his fall 2024 show. These examples emphasize thatbeauty blossoms with age, a crucial message for future generations.Fashion Meets Philanthropy: Can you tell us more about your work wit h GetSafe and how you've in tegrated your pas sion for philanthropy with yourmodeling career?This year marks my 25th anniversary volunteering for Get Safe, and I'mgrateful for the opportunity to spotlight this remarkable nonprofitorganization. Get Safe empowers community members through personalsafety training and prevention education, saving lives by changing mindsets.They tackle sensitive topics like abuse, bias, violence, and mental wellnesswhile upholding core values of integrity, competence, and social justice. GetSafe fosters empathy to build safer, unified communities where everyone hasthe right to a violence-free life. Offering targeted training programs forvarious sectors, including campus, corporate, community, and lawenforcement, Get Safe's work includes advocacy and training for individualswith disabilities and survivors of sexual assault. While I've been called a silentservant in my community, I aim to amplify my advocacy and training effortswith Get Safe on this platform.To learn more abou t Get Safe, please visit: www.getsafeusa.comHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Dance, Modeling, and Everything in Between: How has your experience indance influenced your modeling approach, and do you see similaritiesbetween the two arts?I have a deep love for dance, although I haven't had formal training like myhusband, Aaron. However, I do notice similarities between dance andmodeling. I find it easier to pose and move gracefully when music plays,allowing my body to move effortlessly to the rhythm.Looking Ahead: What's Next for Dr. Nina Cash ? I'm thrilled by the idea that my happiest moments are yet to come!Embracing this new chapter, I aspire to book more modeling and commercialjobs. Additionally, I'd love to be a guest judge on The Masked Singer, aDancing with the Stars contestant, and land a job as a panelist on a talkshow!Are there any other barriers you're looking forwa rd to breaking?I believe more work needs to be done to dispel the myth that gray-hairedwomen are old, feeble, weak, unattractive, or not sexy. Similarly, the notionthat one cannot be educated and attractive simultaneously is absurd. MayeMusk is a prime example of this.GIRLTALKHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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WOMEN WHO GLOWAdditionally, we aim to highlight her impactful presence as atop voice on LinkedIn and her sought-after speakerengagements at prestigious events. Furthermore, ourdiscussion will encompass her recently released book,"CLOSING THE GAP: How to Include Black Women in Any GenderEquity Strategy," providing valuable insights into her inspirationbehind this pivotal work. Lastly, we will explore the personalfacets of Leanne's life, seeking her advice on achieving a similarbalance and creating space for personal success.LEANNE MAIR Entrepreneur, CEO, Speaker, Author Our interview features Leanne Mair, therenowned CEO & Founder of theBenefactum Group. Her journey tosuccess has been significantlyinfluenced by her multifaceted roles asa mother, wife, friend, and daughter. Wewill delve into her profound perspectiveon gender and racial equity, herinfluential leadership at BenefactumConsulting, and her game-changinginitiatives such as The Sororum andBlack Women Parlay. HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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BEAUTI Beauty and Glamour Galore:Glam Up Your Beauty Routine: "What's your go-to productthat's always a star on your beauty shelf?Bobbi Brown's Vitamin Enriched Face Base just adds thatextra flawless feel and look to my makeup.Which beauty essential in your bag is your ride-or-die forall occasions?"Since discovering highlighter, it has been a must. I amaddicted to some glow on my skin, and my favorite for along time has been the Danessa Myricks Yummy Skin GlowSerum. With or without foundation, it looks incredible.Imagine having cocktails with a famous figure, dead or alive.If you could pick the venue, what would it be, and what drinkwould you savor? Plus, what burning question would you bedying to ask them? Mocktail or Cocktail.I would love to have cocktails with Thasunda Duckett, CEO ofTIAA, at the Borgo San Pietro in Tuscany, drinking a Limoncellospritz. Her quote about living her life like a diversified portfoliohas remained with me, and I try to do that. Still, I would love tolearn more about how she does it and, more importantly, whather support network looks like and who helps her to makeeverything possible.COCKTAILSLeanne MairIn "Closing the Gap," gender equity leaderLeanne Mair illuminates the unintentionalbarriers that prevent Black women from thrivingin the workplace. The book sheds light on thesubversive behaviors that create tension inemployer/employee relations and exacerbatethe risk of Black women resigning. Mair'spractical and accessible framework offersinsights into the current landscape, keychallenges, and remedies, guiding companiestoward an inclusive and equitable culture.READ

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What inspired you to transition from asset management to founding BenefactumConsulting and becoming a leading advocate for gender equity in business?I always like to say that I didn't make the decision but that the decision found me. Iwouldn't say I like it when people complain and don't try to be part of the solution. So,having honed my skills in communication, strategic management, and attracting andretaining women in the workplace, I transitioned into launching my consultancy. Irealized that there was an opportunity for me to make a real difference in the workinglives of women, especially that of Black women, and I chose to embrace it. The timing,my mindset, and my values came together simultaneously.As a CEO, mother, wife, and friend, how do you balance your personal andprofessional life, and what advice do you have for women striving for a similarbalance?I had to ask myself whether I was creating space for my success, one of the main ways Itry to help my coaching clients. Sometimes, it was small things such as avoiding back-to-back meetings or finding ways to outsource help. My advice, which I also had tolisten to, is that I don't need to do everything, and the strength is finding help to winback time.Your book, "CLOSING THE GAP: How to Include Black Women in any Gender EquityStrategy," is making a significant impact. Can you share a pivotal moment thatinspired you to write this book?The pivotal moment was when I kept reading research around the concrete ceiling andrealized that well-qualified Black women weren't getting the chances they deserved,and the math just didn't add up. At that moment, I realized there needed to be adifferent book that looked at what organizations needed to do, the historical context,and the unintended consequences perpetuating systemic barriers. Black women havedone more than enough; it is time for organizations to do the work.You've spoken at numerous prestigious events on gender equity and culturaltransformation. What message do you hope to convey to women through yourspeaking engagements?I always hope that when I speak, the women in my audience feel seen and heard. I liketo use my speaking opportunities to address situations in which those within theorganization would be vulnerable. The aim is also to leave each one inspired andempowered.The Sororum is a groundbreaking initiative. Could you share a personal experiencethat drove you to create these platforms for women?As a first-generation professional, there is so much that you need to understand aboutthe rules of corporate, and you go in believing that being good at your job will naturallylead to your success. Still, you quickly learn that it is not the case. I am thankful for mycareer, but I want to leverage my learnings and my network to support young womenfrom minoritized and marginalized backgrounds who are also FGPs so that they canavoid mistakes and repeat their successes. We also partner with corporations to trainthem on how they can create a better environment for these young women to thrive.GIRLTALK Leanne MairHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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What challenges have you faced in your career, and how have theyshaped your approach to promoting gender and racial equity?My challenges, as much as my privilege, have shaped my approachto both gender and racial equity. One example I will give is mentionedin my book as a topic: Sponsorship. I was privileged enough to have asponsor at the beginning of my career, and while I was also not adeptat that point in articulating and navigating sexism and racism in theworkplace, neither was he, even though he was in a position of power.While there is no denying the power of sponsorship, there is more thatneeds to be discussed and learned if the sponsor is not, in this case,Black and female. They need to understand how to navigate theresponses and the pushback and ensure their protegees are stillbound for success.How do you stay motivated and resilient in the face of obstacles,and what advice would you give to women navigating similarchallenges?I permit myself to take a break. I always needed to be motivated andpush through, but sometimes, it is better to take a step back,recharge, and gain the energy to push at the obstacle rather thantrying to push it when you are empty.How can women create a supportive community for each other inthe workplace and beyond?It sounds trite, but it recognizes that we all have our secret sauce anddon't need to compete with each other despite the limited spaceavailable for women to succeed. That shifts us to an abundancemindset and helps us hone our skills while also being able to supporteach other. That is why I co-founded On The HERizon, which createsthis space.What legacy do you hope to leave for future generations of women,and how do you believe your work contributes to that legacy?I hope to inspire other women to embrace their multifaceted nature. Ithought I could and should only be one thing, but I am so much more:CEO, author, social entrepreneur, wife, mother, daughter, and friend. Ilove it, and I hope my impact encourages other women to believe it ispossible in the same way I have been inspired by so many otherwomen who did it before me.Finally, what empowering message would you like to share withwomen who aspire to make a difference in their communities andindustries?Perfect is better than done. Whatever you are trying to do, give it a tryand then make it better, but don't let anyone hold you back. There isan audience for each of us, and yours is looking for you but can't seeyou yet. -ENDGIRLTALKLeanne MairHEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Welcome to our exclusive interview withDesire DRA Wise, a visionary spiritualhealing coach and relationship expert.Desire is dedicated to empowering womenand has a remarkable five-year trackrecord of facilitating profoundtransformations in the lives of spiritually-minded women. Her work is not just aboutguiding women towards self-realizationand deeper fulfillment, but about unlockingtheir true potential and leading themtowards a life brimming with love, purpose,and joy. This transformative power ofDesire's work is what resonates with ourspiritually-minded audience and makesher a sought-after coach.Combining her experiences as a motherand wife with her professional expertise,Desire offers a unique approach to supportwomen on their spiritual and relationalhealing journey. Her straightforwardspiritual techniques help heal trauma,nurture transformative mindsets, andrelease emotional baggage. Leveragingher innate understanding of thesubconscious mind and energy dynamics,Desire provides more than just guidance—she offers a pathway to profound,transformative healing.Grab your favorite Cocktail or Mocktail andjoin Desire as she invites you to unlock yourtrue potential, leading you toward a lifebrimming with love, purpose, and joy. Getready for an enriching conversation thatpromises valuable insights and inspiration."WOMEN WHO GLOWVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEDesire DRA Wise

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Spill the tea on your skincare secrets! What's your go-to nightly skin ritual? If you weremarooned on a beach, what beauty essential would be your desert island must-have?And what's the one beauty item in your bag that's your ride-or-die, no matter where youroam? My nighttime routine is super simple! My go to cleanser is La Roche Posay Hydratingcleanser! After that I use Paula's Choice exfoliant, and finish up with some all natural AfricanShea butter as my moisturizer. My desert island must have is definitely shea butter as it willhave you radiant and glowing without getting burnt. My ride or die beauty item is myMorphe Matte Liquid Lipstick in the color Phatty! I combine Phatty with a brown liner and it'sthe perfect pretty pink combo for brown skin women! BEAUTIVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEDesire DRA WiseIf you could share a drink with a historical oriconic figure, who would it be, what beveragewould be on the menu, where's the hotspot foryour meeting, and what burning questionwould you bring to the table?I would definitely enjoy dinner and a drink withIyanla Vanzant. I admire and appreciate whatshe brought to mainstream TV with Iyanla: Fix MyLife! She shed light on the power and necessity ofhealing. I would indulge in a top shelf sidecar atMasraffs in Houston, TX! I would ask her what isthe number 1 challenge women face withembodying the fullness of their divinity and howdo we overcome that! COCKTAILS

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Could you share an anecdote that led you to spiritual healing and becominga relationship expert?Well, I went through an identity crisis after graduating from college. Many ofus experience this when we are forced to remove our attachment to a title orrole. I was used to being a "student-athlete" with a plan, schedule, andexternal direction; when that ended, I didn't know who Desire was. This lack ofidentity made me feel lost and aimless, resulting in depression, anxiety, andfear.These mental and emotional challenges led me to the power of meditationand affirmation. I studied and practiced meditation for a year straight,relentlessly unveiling the truth of life and who we are as spiritual beings. Idiscovered that the most important relationship we will ever have is ourrelationship with ourselves outside of any external labels and roles. I ameternally grateful for all the doors that closed during that time because itgranted me incredible resiliency, respect, and reinvigoration of my spirit.How have these experiences shaped your unique approach to guidingwomen toward self-realization and deeper fulfillment?These experiences have undoubtedly influenced how I support the women I'mhonored to serve. I understand we as women are wired to fulfill a role: mother,wife, sister, friend, entrepreneur, employee, or athlete. We strive and thrive inservice to others, but often, this needs to be balanced. We abandon ouressence, replacing who we are with what we do. Through my experience, I'vebeen blessed to guide women in returning to self. I rediscovered my intrinsicvalue outside of making my parents, coaches, schools, or community proud.Can you share a specific transformative experience from your coachingpractice that deeply impacted a spiritually-minded woman and led toprofound personal growth and healing?I have so many, but one that stands out the most is my former client turnedfriend, Iman, the Sacred Birthkeeper. We first met in my flagship course, WombAlchemy, a 5-week intensive for women wanting to ignite the power of theirsacred womb, embody their healthy feminine energy, and release the traumablocking their love and liberation. She joined the class as a doula at the time,wanting to bring a more profound respect for the womb, spirituality, anddivine feminine energy into her work. After the class, we continued to worktogether 1 on 1. In one session, we had the spirit of her late grandmother comethrough with a message for her, in which I was the vessel to relay thatmessage. I remember her bursting into tears and confirming that themessage I was giving her aligned with what she most cherished about hergrandmother. She was being told to shine, let herself be seen like a butterfly,and trust her intuitive guidance would lead her exactly where she desired tobe. I held Iman accountable for showing up in her power, releasing any fear ortrauma surrounding being seen, and taking her spiritual work to the next level.Shortly after, Iman's business blossomed into something even bigger andbetter. She has discovered new gifts that God has called her to lean into, andshe is now in school to become a midwife. I encouraged, uplifted, andreflected the love and light that already dwelled inside her. I helped herbecome who she was ordained and held her to it.GIRLTALKVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEDesire DRA Wise

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How do you integrate yourexperiences as a mother and wife,two roles many of our audiencemembers can relate to, with yourprofessional expertise to create asupportive and relatableenvironment for women seekingspiritual and relational healing?I've had to prioritize my roles, withmyself coming first. Connecting withand caring for that sacred, everlastingpart of me takes precedence in mylife. I understand and implement thenotion that when I'm spiritually,emotionally, mentally, and physicallywell, everything I love and honor willreceive the blessings of that. I'm abetter mother, wife, healing coach,etc., when I'm a better me. Honoringourselves in all facets of life is non-negotiable. Practically speaking, it means tuningin and looking for our well-being first. Idon't mean this in an ego-centric waybut from a heart-centered space. Inmy coaching, I allow the women Iserve to express, cry, curse, andprioritize themselves. I show them theyare safe to be without expectationand come as they are.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEDesire DRA WiseIn what ways do your straightforward spiritual techniques help women heal trauma, nurture atransformative mindset, and release emotional baggage, and how have these techniques led to significantbreakthroughs for your clients?My techniques involve validating my clients' experiences with trauma and their thoughts and feelings aroundit. Once we've made peace with what is and what was, we get into our place of power, our ability to choosehow to proceed. A shift in mind and emotion can transform trauma into triumph and pain into purpose. I'vehad clients take the very thing that once burdened them and transform it into what makes them brilliant. Ihold space and set the standard for healing and wholeness. The challenge I've faced and how I overcame it isthe curriculum for my coaching. It's taking what some may say is ugly and making it beautiful. When clientsembrace the possibility of light at the end of the tunnel, they find it and are changed forever!Could you elaborate on your understanding of the subconscious mind and energy dynamics and how youleverage this knowledge to provide more than just guidance, offering a pathway to profound,transformative healing for women?The subconscious mind is a woman's playground. We have an intricate connection to the subconsciousbecause we possess a womb that brings forth life and manifestation just as the subconscious mind does. Thisenergy dynamic speaks to the limitlessness of women. I leverage this knowledge for profound transformationand healing by reminding women that everything they need dwells within. Our wombs, hearts, andsubconscious mind are one. I teach women to listen to the communication of their womb, which speaksthrough pain, pleasure, and intuition. The messages of our womb are the messages of our subconscious.When we listen, we have powerful spiritual guidance and the ability to decode and change the message if itdoesn't align with what we desire to experience. It creates a powerful pathway for transformative healing.When women know they are one with the force that changes reality, they honor themselves holistically,making way for lasting change.GIRLTALK

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VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEDesire DRA WiseBased on your experiences and insights, what practical advice, grounded in real-life situations, would yougive to women struggling to unlock their true potential and searching for a life filled with love, purpose, andjoy?The best advice I could ever give is to look for love. God is love. Love is ever-present and everlasting. Lookingfor love means looking for how God, the divine, shows up in the most mundane and magical ways in your life. Ifeel the love of God when I get a parking spot near the front of the store, see children laugh and play, or eat adelicious meal. That is love. When we have our minds and hearts focused on recognizing and appreciatingthe love that is all around us all the time, joy, purpose, and everything else is inevitable. You must believe itand be grateful for it.How do you envision the role of spiritual healing in women's lives, and what impact do you believe it canhave on their overall well-being and sense of purpose?Spiritual healing is the catalyst to living and awakening. Empowered and evolved life: We constantly change,grow, and transform. We are unstoppable when we have pristine awareness of this and guidance on how todo it.GIRLTALK

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VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEDesire DRA WiseWhat are the critical elements of yourapproach to spiritual coaching thatempower women to revitalize their spirit,enrich their connections, and rediscovertheir purpose, and how do theseelements contribute to their personalgrowth and fulfillment?The critical elements of my spiritualcoaching involve mindfulness andemotional intelligence/awareness. I teachwomen how to become aware of theirminds and emotional patterns andinstantly transform them for the better. Itputs women back into their place ofpower, knowing they are no longer victimsof circumstance or their past. They havethe authority and sovereignty to live intheir dream desired by shifting how theythink and feel about themselves and theirabilities. We create our future in thepresent. I guide women on how to makethe best of their right now. Personal growthand fulfillment are the result of presenceand awareness of self. When prioritizingour mental and emotional well-being, wehave clarity on our strengths andweaknesses, nurturing our gifts andturning our liabilities into assets.Can you share a success story from your coaching practicewhere a woman experienced a significant positive shift afterassuming your teachings and guidance and how it impacted heroverall well-being and relationships?One of my clients struggled with vulnerability and connecting withwomen and men. She grew up believing that having feelings andexpressing them was terrible and made her weak. She felt she hadto carry everything herself and wasn't safe to be supported byothers. She adopted this belief because she had a mother whowasn't very affectionate with her love. In our first 1:1 session, I askedmy client to visualize her ideal life. What was she doing, and whowas she doing it with? She responded that she had a partner, feltcomfortable and open with this person, and was truly happy.Following our initial session, the coaching sessions involvedbreaking down the walls, barriers, and fears to create the intimacyand closeness required to have the union she had envisioned. Shehad first to embrace the idea that she was worthy of being heardand understood deeply. She released the idea that her mother'sinability to show love through words and action was not her faultand that she no longer had to hold onto that narrative. In sessionswhere she felt the need to cry but unconsciously would try to holdback the tears, I invited her to release and allow it. Through myactive and intuitive listening, I showed her what it felt like to beheard and that she was safe to do so. She now adopted this newunderstanding that expressing feelings is nothing to fear. Thissame client is in a relationship with a wonderful man who makesher feel safe, understood, and accepted while healthilychallenging her to think and feel better. She also has reported animproved relationship with her mother.GIRLTALK

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VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEDesire DRA WiseAs a visionary in spiritual healing, what message of hopeand empowerment do you want to share with womenseeking to embark on their spiritual journey andtransform their lives?Heal your relationship with self to heal your relationshipswith all things. When you are your best self, life will reflectthat. In healing our relationship with the sacred part ofourselves, we make way for sacredness to appear in allfacets of life. We deserve wholeness and healing inconnecting to ourselves; the divinity within is thespringboard for it. -ENDGIRLTALK

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Hey Beauti Magazine is always on the lookout for movements thatredefine beauty and community in unique and authentic ways. Weare thrilled to shine a spotlight on Brown Skin Brunchin', agroundbreaking initiative that fuses the joy of brunch with thestrength of connection. Born in 2018 from the minds of visionary founders, this global platformhas transformed the traditional brunch into a revolutionary socialexperience, specifically designed for minority women across theglobe.At its core, Brown Skin Brunchin' is a celebration of delectable foodand drinks, a platform for forging robust, professional, and personalbonds in an atmosphere that's as inviting as it is empowering. Thismarvel, funded by its founders, has rapidly risen to become theepitome of brunch groups, seamlessly merging the digital with thephysical to bring together thousands of women every month.The ethos of Brown Skin Brunchin' is simple yet profound: to cultivate asphere where like-minded minority women can network effortlessly,bypassing the stiffness of conventional mixers. It's about more thanbrunch- it's about finding your tribe, sharing laughs, and creatinglasting connections. Whether you're seeking the hottest brunch spots, innovativebrunching ideas, or companionship, Brown Skin Brunchin' stands outas the ultimate congregation for women who want to brunch withpurpose and passion. Join the movement that's redefining howwomen of color meet, eat, and inspire each other, where everyone iswelcomed and accepted.ABOUTBROWN SKIN BRUNCHIN'VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Meet Lillian Jackson, the resilient co-founder of Brown Skin Brunchin', acommunity that connects andempowers women of color globally. Fromher humble beginnings in Richmond'sBlackwell projects, Lillian has become abeacon of change, leveraging herextensive Human Resources experienceto build a network of over 40,000 womenacross 87 cities. Along with co-founderMelissa Mason, she has transformed thesimple act of brunching into a dynamicand authentic movement for personaland professional growth.As a mother and entrepreneur, Lillianembodies the spirit of doing, guided byher grandmother's wisdom: "Tough timesdon't last, but tough people do." Ourexclusive interview delves into her life'sjourney, the birth of Brown Skin Brunchin',and her commitment to fostering strongcommunities. With a vision to furtherempower women of color worldwide,Lillian's story is a testament to the powerof resilience and community. Join us incelebrating her impactful work and thebright future she envisions.Lillian JacksonVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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BEAUTI"Skin care is not just a routine; it's a vital part of self-care and embracing our natural beauty.With the myriad of products and advice available, finding those key essentials can betransformative. Could you share with us the top three beauty essentials you swear by formaintaining healthy, glowing skin? Additionally, is there a must-have beauty item that youalways carry with you, no matter where you go?"Skincare! For me, it's all about keeping it simple yet effective. First, a good cleanser is a must-have. Iswear by one with gentle exfoliating properties to keep my skin smooth and radiant. Next, a qualitymoisturizer is non-negotiable. Hydration is vital, especially for us melaninated beauties. Lastly,sunscreen! Protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays is crucial for maintaining that youthfulglow.Lillian JacksonVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEAre you more inclined toward mocktails or cocktails?If you could have an exclusive one-on-one cocktailand girltalk session with any person, living ordeceased, who would it be? What drink would youenjoy? Where would you go for this rendezvous? Andwhat two thought-provoking questions would youask them? Oh, I do love a good cocktail! I'm partial to a refreshingmojito, but I'd choose a classic margarita any daywhen it comes to sharing drinks and girl talk. Now, forwhom I'd love to share this exclusive rendezvous, itwould have to be Maya Angelou. Imagine the wisdomand inspiration she'd bring to our conversation!We'd sip our margaritas at a cozy rooftop baroverlooking the city skyline, soaking in the ambianceand each other's company. For thought-provokingquestions, I'd ask her about her journey to finding hervoice and how she stayed resilient in the face ofadversity. Then, I'd delve into her thoughts on thepower of sisterhood and how it's shaped her life andwork.COCKTAILS

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GIRLTALKFrom Blackwell to Brunches: Growing up in the Blackwell projects shaped manyof your early experiences with scarcity and community. Could you share apivotal moment from childhood that sparked your determination to transformyour life and later fueled your passion for creating empowering spaces forwomen of color?Oh, growing up in Blackwell was the true definition of community. We did not havemuch, but what we did have was that people were willing to come together tohelp provide for one another. It was not uncommon to be able to knock on yourneighbor's door for help. We didn't have a telephone in our house, but ourneighbor did, and her door was always open for me to call my grandmother. Thissense of community was instilled in me early on and determined me to createspaces where women of color could uplift each other.Grandmother's Wisdom: Your grandmother played a significant role in shapingyour perspective and resilience. What is one invaluable lesson she taught youthat has been a guiding light in your journey as an entrepreneur and a leader inbuilding communities for women of color?My grandmother was my rock, you know? She always said, "Tough times don'tlast, but tough people do." That lesson stuck with me through every setback andchallenge. It keeps me going, even when things get tough with Brown SkinBrunchin'.First Steps into Human Resources: Networking at a party led to your firstinternship in Human Resources, sparking a long-standing career in the field.How has your background in HR influenced your approach to fosteringconnections and building the community at Brown Skin Brunchin'?Ah, networking at that party was a game-changer. My background in HR taughtme the importance of connections and building relationships. It's all aboutunderstanding people's needs and creating a supportive community in theworkplace or at brunch.Lillian JacksonVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINECultivating & Celebrating Supportive Friendships:"Many of our readers are navigating the challenge of building a supportive circle of friends while alsogrowing their careers. What advice would you give to someone striving to balance these twoimportant aspects of life?"Building a supportive circle of friends while juggling a career can be challenging, but it's doable. Myadvice? Quality over quantity, always. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you, celebrateyour successes, and lift you during the tough times.But remember, it's a two-way street. Be the kind of friend you want to have. Show up for your friends,listen to them, and support them in their endeavors. And remember to carve out time for thosemeaningful connections amidst the hustle and bustle of life. After all, what's success without friends toshare it with?

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The Birth of Brown Skin Brunchin': You and Melissa'srelocation and the challenge of finding a communityprompted you to start Brown Skin Brunchin'. Can youtake us through that brainstorming session when theidea was born? What were your initial hopes, and howhave they evolved?Melissa and I were feeling isolated after moving, andthat's when the idea for Brown Skin Brunchin' was born.We wanted a space where women of color could unite,share experiences, and support each other. Our initialhopes were simple: to find our tribe and make adifference. And boy, have those hopes evolved intosomething beautiful.Navigating Entrepreneurship: Transitioning from acareer in HR to co-founding a global communityplatform is no small feat. What initial challenges didyou face in launching Brown Skin Brunchin', and howdid you overcome them?Launching Brown Skin Brunchin' wasn't easy. We facedchallenges like securing funding, finding suitable venues,and building a brand from scratch. But withdetermination and support from our community, weovercame them individually.Community Impact: Brown Skin Brunchin' is more thanjust an event; it's a movement. Could you share aparticularly moving story or feedback from a memberthat highlighted your work's impact on individual livesand communities?Oh, there have been so many moving stories from ourmembers. One that stands out is from a young womanwho said attending our events gave her the confidenceto start her own business. Hearing how we've impactedindividual lives and communities motivates us to domore.Leadership Philosophy: With nearly two decades ofleadership experience, how would you describe yourleadership philosophy, especially in a diverse anddynamic community like Brown Skin Brunchin'?My leadership philosophy is all about inclusivity,empathy, and empowerment. In a dynamic communitylike Brown Skin Brunchin', it's essential to listen, upliftvoices, and lead by example.Lillian JacksonVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALK

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The Power of Networking: Networking played a crucial role in your career andthe founding of Brown Skin Brunchin'. What advice would you give youngwomen of color about networking, mentorship, and building meaningfulprofessional relationships?Networking is vital, especially for women of color. My advice? Don't be afraid toput yourself out there, seek mentorship, and build genuine relationships. It's aboutlifting each other and paying it forward.Balancing Acts: As a proud mother, entrepreneur, and leader, balance is vital.How do you manage the demands of your personal and professional life, andwhat advice do you have for other women striving to achieve their balance?Balancing motherhood, entrepreneurship, and leadership is a juggling act, but it'sall about prioritizing and setting boundaries. My advice to other women? Don't betoo hard on yourself, and remember to carve out time for self-care.Vision for the Future: Brown Skin Brunchin' has achieved remarkable growthand impact. Looking ahead, what are your dreams and visions for the future ofBrown Skin Brunchin'? How do you see it evolving to empower women of colorfurther worldwide?The future of Brown Skin Brunchin' is bright! I dream of expanding our reach,hosting more events globally, and providing even more resources and support forwomen of color. We'll continue to empower, uplift, and inspire each other togreatness.Lillian JacksonVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALK

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Prepare to be inspired by Melissa Mason,co-founder of Brown Skin Brunchin', whosymbolizes resilience and empowerment.With a far-reaching career in variouscorporate leadership roles and abackground marked by overcomingpersonal adversities, Melissa has co-created a global platform that connectsand uplifts Black women. Brown SkinBrunchin' is now a thriving community in 87cities, touching the lives of over 40,000women through empowering brunchevents. As a dedicated mother and abeacon of positive change, Melissa's story isone of triumph, dedication, and the powerof community. Stay tuned for an upliftinginterview with Melissa Mason, where herjourney and vision will surely empower andinspire.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEMelissa Mason

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"Skin care is not just a routine; it's a vital part of self-care and embracingour natural beauty. With the myriad of products and advice available,finding those key essentials can be transformative. Could you share withus the top three beauty essentials you swear by for maintaining healthy,glowing skin? Additionally, is there a must-have beauty item that youalways carry with you, no matter where you go?"I use a combination of Clinique, Neutrogena, Dove, and Olay products as apart of my daily skincare routine. My top 3 are Clinique's Great Skin bundle,which includes their all-about clean cleanser, clarifying lotion, andmoisturizing gel, Neutrogena's Rapid Wrinkle Repair Retinol RegeneratingCream, and Olay's Collagen Peptide lotion. They all work well together tonourish and moisturize my skin from head to toe. The one beauty item Inever leave my house without, and I don't think it's even considered a"beauty" item…Carmex! It's probably not at the top of anyone else's list, butit's the one item I've used for years to moisturize my lips.BEAUTIMelissa MasonVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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COCKTAILSMelissa MasonAre you more inclined toward mocktails or cocktails? If you could have an exclusive one-on-one cocktail and girltalk session with any person, living or deceased, who would it be?What drink would you enjoy? Where would you go for this rendezvous? And what twothought-provoking questions would you ask them?I always enjoy a good cocktail! Especially when it involves excellent conversation in abeautiful setting. If I could have an exclusive drink and talk session with someone, it would bemy maternal grandmother. She passed away at a young age, early 50s, when I was about 9or 10 years old, so I have some memories of her, but not many. I had not yet reached an agewhere I could say I truly knew her and learned from her. I heard stories about her and missedsome fantastic grandmotherly bonding and wisdom. I'd keep it super simple, having acouple of pomegranate martinis while we sat on a southern-style porch of a beach houseon the shore of one of the many beaches in her home state of South Carolina. It would besomewhere along Myrtle Beach since my family loves to go there. As we listened to thewaves, I'd ask her about her life growing up and her family dynamic. I'd ask her about herfriendships and relationships as a child and as an adult. I'd ask how she persevered whenthe world was dead set against her. I'd ask her about her thoughts on progression from thenuntil now and if she thought we were heading in the right direction regarding women of colorand equality. I'd ask her about her dreams and what she would have done had theopportunity. I'd ask her what she thought it meant to be a woman with purpose. Lastly, I'd askher to impart her wisdom on perseverance as I continue my journey through life andwomanhood.Cultivating & Celebrating SupportiveFriendships:"Many of our readers are navigating thechallenge of building a supportive circle offriends while also growing their careers. Whatadvice would you give to someone striving tobalance these two important aspects of life?"Let go. Let go of the fear and hesitation, doubt,and familiarity. Be open to new people andexperiences. Figure out what type of friendshipsyou want, and stop thinking about whatfriendships you're used to. When you let go, youdiscover what you truly want and who you wantthere for it.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Early Beginnings and Overcoming Challenges: Your journey from the Blackwell Projects toco-founding Brown Skin Brunchin' is incredibly inspiring. Can you share how your early lifeexperiences, working as a writer at 14 and overcoming personal challenges, shaped yourdrive and commitment to empowering women?I've always been a person with strong determination. I learned it from my mom, a singleparent who stopped at nothing to ensure my sister and I were cared for. I was alsosurrounded by a family of strong women who were always supportive and encouraging. Mymom also had a strong network of female friends who were always there for each other. Ialso had a couple of influential and supportive female teachers who saw my determination,and they took me under their wing. I got my first job at 14 because of a teacher I had in highschool who saw that I wanted to help my mom and take more responsibility for myself. Ifthere was anything I wanted to pursue, I was supported in my decisions by the women in mylife, and I worked hard to get what I wanted or where I wanted to be. As I grew up, I realizednot many girls and women had this same sense of security and guidance. I know I would notbe where I am without the support of the women I had, so I wanted to pay that debt forward.I wanted to create a safe space for women to connect, whether seeking personal orprofessional connections, so they had the support they needed to become their best version.The Power of Education: Returning to school at 30 while managing motherhood and a full-time job demonstratesremarkable determination. What motivated you to pursue further education, and how hasthis decision impacted your approach to leadership and entrepreneurship?I wanted better for myself and my children. I was working, but not in a position I wanted tostay in long-term. I also wanted to be the example set for my children. How can I talk aboutthe importance of education and demand something from them that I had yet to obtain formyself? The same goes with leadership and business. I strive to set a solid and positiveexample for those I am guiding to improve the chances of yielding the results I want to see.Melissa MasonVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALK

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Melissa MasonFrom Concept to Community: Brown Skin Brunchin' started as a way for you andLillian to step out of your comfort zones and build anetwork of female friendships. What steps did you taketo transform this idea into today's thriving internationalcommunity?Listen, we had yet to learn what we were doing or gettinginto when we started this group. Lillian and I discussedour challenges with creating new friendships inadulthood and why it seemed so complicated. Wediscussed experiences with professional as well ascasual networking groups and how we hated that theywere so awkward. With certainty, we knew the kind ofgroup we did not want to be. We both liked brunch andknew that food and drinks were the best way to getpeople talking, so we scheduled a brunch with nostructure and posted it. That's incredible, and we quicklylearned that we were not the only ones feeling the waywe did! As we met with more and more women, welistened to their experiences with other groups and atnetworking events, trying to connect. From then on, wegot to work figuring out the kind of group we wanted tobe, and we've been evolving ever since.Leadership in Diversity: With a background in ProgramManagement, Social Work, RiskManagement, and Compliance, how haveyour professional experiences informed yourleadership style within Brown Skin Brunchin'?I'm a helping person by nature, and as I'vegrown and experienced life in multiple fields, Ihave learned the importance of meetingpeople where they are and helping them growfrom there. Only some people are on thesame level, and they necessarily desire to be.When interacting with members, whether anambassador or event attendees, I understandwhat they want from their experience withBSB, where they are currently building theirsisterhood circle, and how we can help themreach their goals..VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALK

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Building a Supportive Network:You and Lillian have cultivated a supportive network of ambassadors as Brown Skin Brunchin'expanded. What strategies have you found most effective in building and maintaining a strongteam dynamic, especially in a fast-growing international platform?Listening. Our ambassadors are crucial to the success of BSB. They are the reason we cancontinue our mission. They regularly interact with the women in their cities, so their feedback ispriceless. They share their experiences with us, giving us feedback on group interactions andbrunch locations and suggesting how to build groups in their cities. They communicate with usabout what members want so that we can create opportunities to serve them better and helpthem meet their goal of building their sister circles. We appreciate them immensely and take anyfeedback they share with us to heart.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Melissa MasonChampioning Women of Color: You're passionate about creating environments free from judgment and dismantlingnegative narratives around black women. Could you share a moment or event thatparticularly highlighted the importance of this mission for you?The evolution of social media and reality television and its portrayal of women of color,especially black women, struck a nerve for me. We are not always shown in the best light,and there is this never-ending narrative that black women cannot get along, which isentirely false. I wanted to show the world what's real and that fantastic, intelligent, talented,and beautiful women of color thrive in drama-free circles with women who look like them.Motherhood and Entrepreneurship: Balancing the roles of a corporate working mother and an entrepreneur is no small feat.How do you navigate these responsibilities, and what advice would you give othermothers pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams?My children are older and more independent now, but figuring out work-life balance whileworking more than one job and running a business was challenging and still can be.However, understanding the importance of time management is the key to my success.Knowing that you must be present for your children while providing for them shifts how younavigate the world and spend your time. My advice would be to take a moment to thinkabout what things, people, activities, etc., no longer serve you and your family's bestinterests. Once you clearly understand how your time is spent, eliminate things that don'tserve you well, and then make productive use of the time you've regained. Not every day willbe perfect, but managing your time as effectively as possible helps make things easier.Cultural Exploration and Connection:You value travel and experiencing other cultures. How have these experiences influencedthe vision and mission of Brown Skin Brunchin', especially in creating spaces thatcelebrate diversity and unity?Traveling to new places and experiencing other cultures broadens my perspective andallows me to understand better how different people and cultures build community. Theseexperiences helped define the parameters in which BSB would operate. BSB was designed tobuild community amongst women of color, and my experiences helped us understand whatthat truly means in today's world. Along our journey, we've learned that many identify aspeople of color. We have had women from various cultures attend our events, making BSBone of the largest networking groups celebrating women of color, not just those who identifyas Black or African-American. We create a welcoming space for all women who join us forbrunch; they feel a sense of connectedness no matter where they are from.VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALK

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The Sisterhood Summit: The Brown Skin Brunchin' Sisterhood Summit is a significantevent for the community. What inspired its creation, and what do you hope attendeestake away from the experience?The Sisterhood Summit was the brainchild of one of our members, Shani Blevins. Sheenvisioned an event that would bring women together for an experience that allowedthem to connect, share, and grow together. Her vision aligned with BSB's mission andvalues, so we were excited to present the opportunity to our members. We hopeeveryone who attends will leave with a stronger sense of community within the BSBplatform and a more secure, proud, and elevated version of themselves.Looking Ahead: As Brown Skin Brunchin' continues to grow and evolve, what are youraspirations for the platform's future? Are there new initiatives or areas of expansionyou're particularly excited about?We are steadily on the road to reaching our 100 cities domestically and internationally.One of our primary goals is to connect women in their cities and worldwide. We lookforward to curating travel experiences, allowing members to travel and gather togetherin various cities worldwide. -ENDVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEGIRLTALKMelissa Mason

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Shop what welove...The Shopper

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MOMMY VIBESExplore our curated selection of products for moms and their little ones. Tried and adoredby our editors' kids and friends, these items are perfect for you and your bundle of joy! Hey there, moms!🌟Capture magical family moments with theLion Rattle Phone Clip and Hello LouStorybook Set! These adorable items areperfect for creating treasured memories.They're a must-have for all phones withuniversal compatibility, easy attachment,and stylish design. Take advantage of thisunforgettable gift! 🦁📚Discover the magic ofNew York City with "CountOn New York City"! Thisbright board book is adelightful way for littleones to learn about theBig Apple. Perfect for tinyNew Yorkers and littletourists, it's a fantasticbaby gift or vacationsouvenir. ✨Introducing the ultra-compact BuddhaBoard Mini, a perfect travel companion formindful moments on the go! Unleash yourcreativity, relieve stress, and keep the kidsentertained while traveling, sightseeing, orunwinding at home.

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Imagine sinking into a pillow that's not onlydesigned for ultimate comfort but alsochampions sustainability. The Parallel Pillow,crafted in the heart of the Rocky Mountains,embodies earth-friendly values. Its ParaTherm™technology keeps you perfectly cool year-round,while the soft TENCEL™ Lyocell fiber shell andsculptable Blutech Fusion Fill (BFF) made fromrecycled plastic bottles offer unparalleledsupport.One of my favorite features is the ParaPur™ Anti-stink technology, which keeps the pillow naturallyself-refreshing and hypoallergenic. Whetheryou're a tummy, back, or side sleeper, the ParallelPillow adapts to your needs with its adjustable filland sleek, low-profile form factor. Plus, it remainsperfectly plush and never goes flat.This pillow is even more remarkable becauseParallel Pillow donates a pillow to a person inneed for every one sold. Talk about sleeping witha clear conscience!Get ready to experience bedtime bliss and join usin positively impacting the world. 🌟Editor's Pick: The ParallelPillow – A Dream Come True!As the Editor In Chief of Hey Beauti Magazine, I'mthrilled to share my incredible experience withthe Parallel Pillow, our latest Editor's Pick. Afterpersonally testing and approving this dreamypillow, I can confidently say it's a game-changerfor a good night's sleep!Please note: While our team had a fantastic experience with the ParallelPillow, individual results may vary.

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In today's digital age, browsing through weddingphotos can be a powerful tool for manifestingyour ideal partner and dream wedding. Byimmersing yourself in the beauty and romance ofweddings, you can evoke positive emotions andvisualize the kind of love and celebration youaspire to experience.Engaging with wedding photos is a practice thattranscends relationship status. It's a universal toolthat can inspire a sense of wellness by allowingyou to envision your future and focus on thepositive aspects of love and commitment.Whether you create a vision board with yourfavorite wedding photos or use them as abackdrop for daily affirmations, this practicepromotes hope and optimism, contributing toyour overall emotional well-being. Weddingssymbolize love, joy, and beauty, inspiring anyoneto enhance their emotional well-being andmanifest their dreams.Hey, Beauti empowers readers to shift their perspectivefrom jealousy or comparison to using wedding photosto create their dream wedding or attract their idealpartner. This shift allows individuals to take a morepositive and proactive approach to manifestingpersonal goals and desires. By focusing on the positiveemotions and inspiration that wedding imagery evokes,readers can harness their own power to shape theiremotional well-being and self-discovery. Incorporatingweddings into Hey Beauti content is significant as italigns with the platform's mission to promote emotionalwell-being and self-discovery.Viewing wedding photos can be transformative, offeringmany emotional and inspirational benefits. It can evokefeelings of joy, love, and anticipation, filling you withexcitement and hope for the future. Hey, Beautiencourages readers to engage with wedding imageryto manifest their ideal partner and dream weddingwhile fostering a sense of wellness and positivity. Byembracing the beauty and joy of weddings, individualscan shift their perspective and use this practice forpersonal growth and empowerment.HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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GownsPhotography Style: PortraitureStyle: Glamorous, Elegant Colors: White, Ivory HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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GownsLocation: GermanyPhotographer:evasitkoweddingsMakeup Artist: SvetlanaderjarginmakeupBridesmaid Store:Brautatelier DornröschenModel: lybellchen

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GownsPhotography Style: PortraitureStyle: Luxury, Modern, Romantic Colors: White, Ivory

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GownsLocation: GermanyPhotographer: evasitkoweddingsEvent Planner: MOODZ Wedding & EventsMakeup Artist: Jasmin Style and VoiceFloral Designer: Just Bloom FlowersBridesmaid Store: BrautatelierDornröschenModel: Hannah

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JESS & RODNEY Colorful Wedding in the National Harbor - Washington DCPhotography Style: Bright-Vivid, Candid-Photojournalistic Setting: Destination, Church, Restaurant/BarStyle: Glamorous, Art Deco, RomanticSeason: SpringColors: Magenta, Purple, Gold

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JESS SWIFT & RODNEY Glamorous, Art Deco, and Romantic:Jess and Rodney's Colorful WeddingJess and Rodney's vibrant wedding atThe Sunset Room in National Harbor,Washington DC, was a stunning displayof color and style. The primary colors ofmagenta, gold, and purple held deepsymbolic meanings, with magentarepresenting universal love andharmony, gold symbolizing prosperityand success, and purple embodyingluxury and creativity.

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JESS SWIFT & RODNEY These colors are best suited for a spring wedding when nature burstswith vibrant hues, making it the perfect time to celebrate love amidst theblooming flowers and fresh beginnings. The wedding style, a uniquefusion of glamorous, art deco, and romantic elements, was a testamentto the couple's creativity and vision. It created a lavish and timelessambiance that was truly inspiring. The bright-vivid and candidphotojournalistic photography beautifully captured the day's essence,preserving every genuine emotion and spontaneous moment. Jess andRodney's wedding truly celebrated love, art, and the beginning of a newlife together.

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JESS SWIFT & RODNEY Photographer: Love & Adventure PhotographyLocation: The Sunset Room

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Nestled in the heart of Malibu, wheresun-kissed beaches meet lush hillsides,lies a venue that seems plucked fromthe pages of a storybook. CalamigosRanch, with its captivating blend ofrustic charm and elegantsophistication, set the stage forStephanie and CJ's breathtaking black-tie affair. This celebration perfectlyembodied the couple's love for eachother and their four-legged familymembers.

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As the soft California light filtered through thetrees, photographer Tayler Ashley foundherself transported back to the early days ofher career. "Calamigos Ranch was one of thefirst places I ever worked at the start of mywedding career," she reminisced. "I rememberinstantly hoping to get married there oneday. It has this magical fairytale feel that noother venue has."This fairytale quality was only enhanced bythe vision of Fetelle Designs, who transformedthe already whimsical bones of the ranch intoa modern luxury wonderland. The sharp,elegant designs were juxtaposed against thenatural beauty of the surroundings, creatinga harmonious blend of glamour and naturethat left guests in awe, feeling the beauty andelegance of the event.

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But what truly set this wedding apart was thepresence of two special guests—Stephanie andCJ's beloved cattle dogs. As Stephanie slippedinto her stunning Ines Di Santo gown, her furrycompanions playfully wrestled on its train,eliciting not just giggles from the bride, but awave of joy and laughter that captured thecarefree spirit of the day.From the natural light that bathed the ceremonyin a golden glow to the candid moments caughton camera, such as the dogs' playful antics andthe couple's heartfelt vows, every detail of thisMalibu matrimony spoke of love, laughter, and atouch of canine chaos. Join us as we take youthrough this unforgettable celebration, whereblack-tie elegance meets puppy love in themost delightful way imaginable.

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Event Venue: Calamigos RanchDesign and Decor: Wonder WallEquipment Rentals: MTB Event Rentals: www.mtbeventrentals.comBakery: Gourmeletas Beauty: Design Visagehttp://www.designvisage.comTuxedo and Men attire: The Grotto.www.thegrottomenswear.comDress Designer: Ines DiSantoFloral Designer: Exotica DesignsEvent Planner: Fetelle DesignsPhotographer: Tayler Ashley

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T H E B E A U T I F U LLadies and gentlemen, get ready tobe dazzled by the magnetic charmand multi-talented essence of theone and only Lesa Milan! 🌟 Known forher captivating presence on the hitreality show, The Real Housewives ofDubai, Lesa is more than just a TVpersonality – she's a force to bereckoned with in the world of luxuryfashion and skincare. As the visionaryFounder and Creative Director of MinaRoe, a brand exclusively tailored formothers-to-be, she's redefiningelegance and empowerment forwomen around the globe. But that'snot all – behind the glitz and glamour,Lesa is a devoted wife and a lovingmother to three incredible boys. Joinus as we unravel the layers of thisremarkable woman's life and career,and get ready to be inspired by herunique perspective and unwaveringpassion. It is an interview you won'twant to miss! Lesa MilanCREDITS: Stylist: Shenell Welch@shenell.WelchMakeup: @flairbywinnieHair: Marva @Brown.sugarmePhotographer: Faadhila Sharief@lighthousestudioVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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I struggled with acne as a teenagerand young adult, which affected myself-esteem; so, I've made it mymission to study my skin over theyears and work with dermatologistsas well as research products that arehelpful for my skin until I ultimatelyfound what works best for me. Mynumber one tip would be to drink a lotof water and be mindful of the foodyou eat - avoid greasy and sugaryfoods as much as possible becauseclear skin starts from within. "Lesa, your skin alwaysseems to glow with healthand vitality. Could you sharethe secrets to achieving suchradiant, impeccable skin withus? How has your skincareroutine evolved to remaineffective throughout thechanging seasons?Additionally, we'd love toknow the top three beautyproducts you consideressential other than yourown. Is there one beauty itemthat never leaves your side?"VOLUME I3Photo creditOlivia Wilson / Liceria Co.HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEBEAUTIMy second tip is to find a greatcleanser. It is the most essential stepin your daily routine because if yourskin isn't clean, it doesn't matterwhat cream or serum you put on it.Lastly, monthly facials are a must - Iusually opt for a HydraFacial withextractions to get a professionaldeep clean. My skincare routinestays the same throughout the year,but I use more SPF during thesummer and more oil-freemoisturizers during the winter. Mytop three products are Shiseidodeep foam cleanser, Shiseido Wasooil-free moisturizer, and Mary Kaysalicylic toner. The one beauty itemthat never leaves my side is MinaRoe's Vegan Lip balm.Lesa Milan

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COCKTAILS"Lesa, when it comes to unwinding, do youprefer the creativity of mocktails or theclassic allure of cocktails? Imagine you couldshare a leisurely drink and an intimateconversation with anyone in the world, pastor present. Who would you choose as yourdistinguished guest? What would be yourdrink of choice for the occasion? Envisionthe perfect setting for this heart-to-heart —where would it be? Lastly, what twoinsightful questions would you pose tospark a fascinating dialogue?" I'm a champagne and caviar girl! If I could choosesomeone to sit with, I would choose Beyoncé, andwe would probably be at her home or mine,dressed in our feathered trim pajamas - super cozyand comfortable! My first question would be, howare you? It's essential to check on people from ahuman level because I think the most vital peoplecarry the heaviest load. After that's established, Iwould dive into questions about her journey as amom (we already "know" her career history andhave already heard all the advice she can give -but we don't know her as a mom). Lesa MilanVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE

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Cultivating & Celebrating Supportive Friendships:"Many of our readers are navigating the challenge ofbuilding a supportive circle of friends while also growingtheir careers. What advice would you give to someonestriving to balance these two important aspects of life?" Finding a supportive circle of friends who don't see your growthas competition can be extremely difficult, but it's possible. I'm a"small circle" type of girl, but I'm a part of many differentfriendship groups, and I don't put a lot of expectations on anyindividual friend. I have my close friends, my mommy friends,my work friends, my gym friends, etc., all of whom I support andget support from in different ways. #GIRLTALKFrom the Drawing Board to the Global Stage: Lesa, you've transitionedfrom an aspiring designer to an internationally recognizedentrepreneur and TV personality. Can you share a pivotal moment inyour journey that felt like a breakthrough? How did it shape your pathforward? Being an entrepreneur is very rewarding but has many challenges andrequires perseverance. When I started Mina Roe, I was a "one-womanband," I did everything from the designs to the customer service andshipping. A breakthrough moment for us was when Beyoncé wore twodresses from our brand. We not only saw a spike in sales, but doors thatwere closed began to open. I quickly learned the power of productplacement, a strategy we continue to use today. COCKTAILSVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINELesa Milan

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The Story Behind the Brand:Mina Roe is a brand and astatement. Could you sharethe story behind the name'Mina Roe' and how yourvision for the brand hasevolved since its inception? The name Mina Roematerialized when I searchedfor baby girl names during mysecond pregnancy (beforelearning I was having a boy).The word "Mina" means light,and Roe was inspired by mygynecologist, who, at the time,had welcomed agranddaughter named Monroe.I loved the name but wanted aletter to fit the logo design, so Iused "Roe" for short to completeit, with the "R" in the shape of apregnant woman.Your maternity line, Mina Roe,has dressed some of theworld's most famous womenduring their pregnancies,promoting style and comfort.What inspired you to focus onmaternity wear, and how doyou believe your designsempower expecting mothers?I started Mina Roe because of the lack ofeffort and style that maternity wearoffered when I was pregnant with my firstson. It was frustrating and disappointingthat the fashion industry overlooked suchan essential category in women's wear.So, I created a brand with styles thatcompete with the very best of "non-maternity" fashion because I wantedwomen to look and feel their best duringpregnancy. EmpoweringWomen ThroughFashion:VOLUME IIPhoto creditOlivia Wilson / Liceria Co.8LARANA MAGAZINEVOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE#GIRLTALKLesa Milan

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The Creative Process: As thechief designer for Mina Roe,what does your creativeprocess look like from conceptto final product? How do youensure each piece resonateswith your brand's ethos ofelegance and comfort?The creative process for MinaRoe begins with a teammeeting at least 7 monthsbefore the new season, which iseither SS (spring/summer) orFW (fall/winter). At this meeting,we share ideas for theupcoming collection, and thenwe do our in-house illustrationsand review submitted sketchesfrom outside creatives. Oncewe've decided on the pieces, wemove on to paper patterns,cotton samples, actualsamples, and production. MinaRoe is sustainable; we producein limited numbers, use thehighest quality fabrics, andcreate clothing that can beworn from pregnancy andbeyond. Philanthropy and CommunityInvolvement: Your work extendsbeyond business into philanthropyand community service. Can youshare how you're leveraging yoursuccess to make a difference andwhy it's essential for entrepreneursto give back?A percentage of every Mina Roe salegoes towards helping moms in needthrough our Mom2Mum foundation.So far, we've provided aid throughoutKenya, the Philippines, Pakistan,Jamaica, and, most recently, Gaza.Giving back to those in need helpsstrengthen our ties to the community.By addressing poverty and reducingsocial inequality, we can help create abetter world.Beyond Fashion - EmbracingSkincare: Diving into theskincare segment with MinaRoe, what motivated you toexpand, and how do youensure your products cater tothe unique needs of pregnantand postpartum women?The Real Housewives of Dubaiand Entrepreneurship: Being apart of "The Real Housewivesof Dubai" offers a uniqueplatform. How has yourparticipation in the showimpacted your businessventures and personal brand?Being on the show haspropelled us to becoming ahousehold name. The show'sviewers have highly supportedMina Roe, and I'm genuinelygrateful to Bravo and everycustomer. Many women (including myself) are prone tostretch marks during pregnancy and when welose/gain weight. Studies have shown that keepingthe skin hydrated makes us less likely to get them. Ifirst created a product at home using organicbutter and oils, which worked for me. I partneredwith an incredible European lab to better formulateseveral products, such as our belly oil, belly mask,and c-section silicon scar patch. VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE#GIRLTALKLesa Milan

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VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINEI'm more of a juggler than abalancer! My advice is to bepresent! You can focus entirely onthe task at hand when you'represent. Whether it's time youspend with your family or whileworking – being distracted ormultitasking- I find itcounterproductive. When I'm withmy kids, I try to put the phonedown and give them my undividedattention (this is a work in progressand not always the case). Still, thetimes that I'm able to do this, I findthat when I'm away from them, Ifeel less guilty, and I can move onto my next task, whether it be work,gym, or a night out. Navigating Entrepreneurship as aMother: Balancing entrepreneurshipwith motherhood is no small feat. Howdo you manage the demands of yourbusiness ventures while being presentfor your three boys? What advicewould you give to otherentrepreneurial mothers?Female Empowerment and SocialMedia: You've built an organicsocial media following to connectwith women worldwide. How doyou use your platform to advocatefor female empowerment, andwhat impact do you hope toachieve?I'm a firm believer in self-empowerment. By empoweringmyself and not seeking outsidevalidation, I aim to empower otherwomen to do the same and showpositive stories and genuine parts ofmy life on my platform.CREDITS: Stylist: Shenell Welch @shenell.WelchMakeup: @flairbywinnieHair: Marva @Brown.sugarmePhotographer: Faadhila Sharief @lighthousestudio

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VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE"Lesa, your journey from Jamaica to the U.S. at sucha formative age is a unique experience. Studiesshow that Jamaican immigrants often retain strongties to their culture while adapting to American life.Could you share how you navigated this balance?Did it feel like a quick adjustment or more of ajourney?"Before our migration, my mother and I often traveledto the U.S. for summer vacations and weekend tripsaway; although I was very young, leaving my friendsand life as I knew it was still tough. Fortunately, though,South Florida has a big Jamaican community and asimilar climate, and half of my family is there forsupport.Moving to Dubai from Florida was a life-changingtransition for me as I had no family, friends, orcommunity support besides my husband, Richard. Istruggled for a while to find my own friends, and itwasn't until I started my brand, Mina Roe, that I startedpushing myself outside of my comfort zone to networkand build not only my business but also my circle."What aspects of Jamaica do you find yourselfmissing the most? Given that many Jamaicanimmigrants maintain a connection to their roots,we're curious about the last time you visitedJamaica and if you're able to find authenticJamaican cuisine in Dubai. Could you also shareyour two favorite Jamaican dishes?"I miss being able to hop on a 90-minute flight atany given time and be back in Jamaica. Dubai isat least 20 hours away, so I don't get to make tripsas frequently. Our (my husband, children, and I)last visit was almost 2 years ago.Fortunately, we have 2 excellent Jamaicanrestaurants in Dubai, and I love to cook, so I importa lot of our authentic seasonings on a monthlybasis so we are never ever getting old! My kidslove anything curried, and my husband loves mybrown-stew chicken, so I cook those dishes quiteoften; my favorite is Escovitch fish.

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VOLUME I3HEY BEAUTI MAGAZINE"Jamaica's strong cultural roots andvalues play a significant role in shapingidentities. As a mother, how have thesevalues influenced your approach toparenting and your journey in life? Doyou actively integrate these roots andvalues into your sons' upbringing?"My sons are very Jamaican, from the foodand dialect to the music and thesuperstitions—even my husband thinkshe's more Jamaican than I am! It's such arich culture that we, as Jamaicans,sometimes take it for granted until we seeits impact and influence on the world andthe younger generations.Lesa MilanKEEP UP WITH LESASocial: Ahead: What futureaspirations do you have for MinaRoe, your skincare line, and yourbrand? Are there any upcomingprojects or collaborations weshould look for? I always say that as I grow as amom, the brand grows with me. Westarted in maternity wear, then wenton to post-pregnancy wear, andrecently launched our skincare line.I'm enjoying our space now, but withmy new knee and backaches lately, Imight launch a comfortable shoeline. -END

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Stress Management in Turbulent Times:How to Focus on What You Can ControlIn today's turbulent times, stress and anxiety can feelinescapable, impacting our mental health, sleep, and overallwell-being. However, we can cultivate resilience and emotionalintelligence by learning effective stress managementtechniques and focusing on what we can control.This article explores practical strategies for managing stress,including mindfulness practices, coping mechanisms, andseeking professional support when needed. We'll delve intotechniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, andcritical incident stress management to help you navigate life'schallenges more easily.LIVE WELL

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Identify What You Can and CannotControl. Recognizing cognitivedistortions: The control fallacyOne of the primary challenges in managing stress isrecognizing cognitive distortions, particularly the controlfallacy. This fallacy manifests in two ways: hyper-control andfeeling out of control. In the former, individuals may feel anexcessive sense of control, believing any negative outcome isinherently their fault, leading to feelings of guilt andresponsibility for others' behaviors. Conversely, the out-of-control mindset makes people feel powerless, as if externalforces dictate everything, causing them to blame others orluck for circumstances they could influence.To combat these distortions, it is crucial to be honest withoneself about the level of control and responsibility involved.Asking questions like "Am I sure about this?" and "Am I reallysure about this?" can help reexamine assumptions andconclusions, distinguishing facts from negative thinkingpatterns. Recognizing when thoughts attribute excessivecontrol or lack thereof is the first step toward a balancedperspective. LIVE WELL

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Accepting what is beyondyour controlWhile some situations are within our control,others are not, and accepting this reality isvital for our well-being. Controlling theuncontrollable, such as others' behaviors orsignificant life events, can lead tounnecessary stress and frustration. Insteadof expending energy on circumstancesbeyond our influence, focusing on how wereact and adapt is more productive. Acceptance does not equate to resignationor passivity; it means acknowledging thatsome things cannot be changed whilepushing forward in areas within our control.Avoiding complex issues or fixating on whatcannot be altered only exacerbates anxietyand depletes mental energy. Individualscan regain power over their feelings andreactions by surrendering the need tocontrol every aspect.LIVE WELL

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Focusing on what is within your controlWhile external stressors like significant life changes, work demands, or financial worries mayseem overwhelming, individuals can still exercise control over their thoughts, behaviors, andresponses. Instead of dwelling on uncontrollable factors, it's empowering to identify areas where choices canbe made, such as setting appropriate limits, asserting boundaries, or adopting a positive attitude. When faced with a stressful situation, asking, "What is within my control right now?" and "Is thereanything I can do to change the situation, or am I powerless at this moment?" can help clarifypersonal responsibilities and potential actions. Focusing on what can be created or influenced,rather than harboring unrealistic expectations, can motivate and reduce the sense of being ahelpless victim. By recognizing cognitive distortions, accepting what cannot be changed, and concentrating onareas within personal control, individuals can cultivate resilience and manage stress moreeffectively during turbulent times.LIVE WELL

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Mindfulness andCoping StrategiesBenefits of mindfulnesspracticesMounting scientific evidence fromhundreds of universities stronglysuggests that mindfulness gentlybuilds inner strength so that futurestressors have less impact on ourhappiness and physical well-being.LIVE WELL

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Mindfulness reduces stress in severalways:increases awareness of thoughts, allowingindividuals to step back from them and prevent thestress response from being initiated. 1.It promotes a pause before reacting to a situation,enabling the use of the "wise mind" to find the bestsolution. 2.Mindfulness activates the "being" mode of mindassociated with relaxation instead of the "doing"mode linked to action and stress response. 3.It heightens awareness and sensitivity to the body'sneeds, allowing for earlier recognition andappropriate action regarding pains or discomforts.4.Emotional intelligence rises, reducing the likelihoodof conflicts that could cause stress.5.Levels of care and compassion for oneself and othersincrease, soothing the stress response through acompassionate mindset. 6.Mindfulness practice reduces activity in theamygdala, the brain region central to triggering thestress response, effectively lowering backgroundstress levels.7.It improves focus and the ability to complete workefficiently, fostering a greater sense of well-beingand reducing stress. 8.Mindfulness allows for a shift in attitude towardsstress, perceiving increased pressure as a source ofenergy rather than solely negative consequences.9.LIVE WELL

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Breathing exercises for stress reliefDeep breathing exercises can relieve immediatestress by activating the body's relaxationresponse. Here are some effective techniques:LIVE WELL

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Diaphragmatic Breathing: Sit or lie down,inhale through the nose for a count of ten,focusing on drawing breath from theabdomen rather than the chest. Exhaleslowly through the nose at the samepace, counting to ten. Complete five toten cycles, repeating as needed. 1.4-7-8 Breath: Place the tongue tip behindthe upper teeth. Exhale entirely throughthe mouth, making a "whooshing" sound.Close the mouth and inhale through thenose to a count of four. Hold your breathfor a count of seven. Exhale through themouth with a whoosh for a count of eight.Repeat three more times. 2.LIVE WELL

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Stress Breath: Use an everydayobject as a cue to practice thisbreath. Inhale deeply through thenose, allowing the belly to expand.Exhale audibly through the mouth,making a "ha" sound. The vibrationssignal the vagus nerve, triggering ashift from the sympathetic (stress)to the parasympathetic(restorative) nervous system. 1.Breath Focus: Take a deep breathin, noticing how it feels. Exhaleslowly, imagining the air filled withpeace and calm throughout thebody. As you inhale, mentallyrepeat, "I breathe in peace andcalm." As you exhale, say, "I breatheout stress and tension." Continue for10-20 minutes. 2.LIVE WELL

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Journaling as a mindfulness techniqueJournaling can be an effective mindfulness technique and toolfor coping with stress and mental health conditions like anxietyand depression. Some benefits of journaling include:Identifying fears, concerns, or triggers that may be causingstress or exacerbating conditions. 1.Managing stress more efficiently in the future byrecognizing patterns. 2.Practicing positive self-talk to build confidence.3.Identifying and reducing unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. 4.Expressing thoughts and feelings, providing a cathartic andhealing experience. 5.Clarifying thoughts and feelings leads to valuable self-knowledge and insight. 6.Recognizing and stopping negative thought patterns andrumination. 7.Practicing acceptance of negative emotions withoutjudgment. 8.Focusing on areas of life that bring gratitude and positivity. 9.Activating the body's "rest and digest" response promotes acalm physiological state. 10.Setting aside 5-10 minutes daily for journaling can providethese benefits and help individuals decompress and achievemental clarity. LIVE WELL

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Seeking Professional HelpSigns that you may benefit from therapyRecognizing when you might benefit from seekingprofessional help can be challenging. However, somecommon signs indicate it may be time to consult atherapist: Difficulty regulating emotions: If you find yourselfstruggling to manage emotions like anxiety or anger, atherapist can help you develop effective coping strategiestailored to your needs. Reliance on unhealthy coping mechanisms: Turning tounhealthy habits like overeating, substance abuse, orother harmful behaviors to cope with stress is a red flag. Atherapist can guide you towards healthier alternatives. Desire for increased self-awareness: Therapy canfacilitate seeking a deeper understanding of one's thoughtpatterns, behaviors, and self-limiting beliefs. An objectiveperspective can help one break free from unhelpful cycles. Overwhelming emotions: Feeling constantlyoverwhelmed, enraged, anxious, hopeless, or numb to anextent that interferes with daily life may indicate the needfor professional support. Social withdrawal: While some alone time is healthy,distress around others or fear of social situations couldsignify an underlying issue that therapy can address. If you resonate with any of these signs, exploring therapyto manage stress and improve your overall well-beingmay be beneficial. LIVE WELL

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Working with a therapist to manage controlissues. For individuals struggling withcontrolling behavior, seeking professional helpcan be transformative. A therapist can assist inunderstanding the root causes, identifyingtriggers, and developing healthier copingmechanisms: Trauma counseling: If your control issues stem from pasttrauma, a trauma therapist can help you process theexperience and develop strategies to manage its impact. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This evidence-basedapproach identifies and modifies unhelpful thought patternsand behaviors. CBT can equip you with tools to control yourreactions and improve interpersonal relationships.Psychodynamic therapy: For long-standing control issuesintertwined with mental health conditions like anxiety ordepression, psychodynamic therapy can provide a deeperexploration of underlying causes.Behavioral therapy: Techniques like exposure therapy cangradually desensitize you to triggers you intentionally avoid,reducing stress and regaining control. When seeking atherapist, seek professionals specializing in stressmanagement, anxiety, or related areas. Psychologists,psychotherapists, and counselors are well-equipped tocollaborate with you on developing a personalized treatmentplan. Remember, a healthy therapeutic relationship is crucial, soapproach the process with an open mind and a willingnessto address your concerns. With the proper support, you canlearn to manage control issues and cultivate a greatersense of balance and well-being. LIVE WELL

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In these turbulent times, stress can feel overwhelming,but we can cultivate resilience by recognizing what wecan control and implementing effective strategies.Mindfulness practices like deep breathing, journaling, andaccepting what lies beyond our influence can empowerus to manage stress and respond to challenges moreeasily. When the need arises, seeking professional supportfrom therapists can provide invaluable guidance indeveloping personalized coping mechanisms andaddressing underlying issues.Ultimately, focusing on what is within our controlenhances our well-being and equips us to navigate life'scomplexities with greater clarity and inner strength. Follow our magazine by clicking the heart symbol, andsubscribe for more inspirational content on cultivating amindful, balanced life.LIVE WELL

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What are the critical strategies for managing stressknown as the "5 A's"?The "5 A's" strategy for managing stress includes five keyactions: Avoid unnecessary stress, Alter the situation toreduce stress, Adapt to stressful situations whennecessary, Accept things you cannot change, andengage in Active ways to manage your stress.Can you explain the "4 A's" of stress management?The "4 A's" of stress management encompasses fouressential coping strategies: Avoid, Alter, Accept, andAdapt. Together, these strategies form a comprehensiveapproach to managing stress effectively.How can one remain calm during challenging times?Engaging in activities that bring you happiness,relaxation, and a sense of fulfillment is essential formaintaining calm in challenging times. Regular physicalactivity, eating a balanced diet, ensuring adequatesleep, and spending quality time with close ones arecrucial. Practicing self-care is vital to reducing stressand enhancing emotional health.What are some practical ways to control stress?Effective stress management can be achieved byadopting several healthy practices:Limit exposure to distressing news and social media.Take good care of your mental and physical health.Ensure relaxation and leisure activities are includedin your routine.Communicate with others for support.Engage with community or faith groups.Avoid the use of drugs and alcohol as copingmechanisms.Disclaimer: Please consult a qualified healthcare professional beforechanging your healthcare routineLIVE WELL

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FAMILYWelcome to Family Inspiration in HeyBeauti Magazine!Embrace the beauty of family lifewith Hey Beauti Magazine's FamilyInspiration pages. Here, we celebratethe precious moments andconnections that form the heart offamily. From heartwarmingmaternity photos to invaluablefamily tips and nurturing relationshipadvice, we curate diverse content toinspire and uplift every aspect offamily living. Whether you're seekingguidance on parenting, looking forcreative family activities, or desiringa deeper connection with your lovedones, our content is tailored to enrichand support your family journey. LetHey Beauti Magazine be yourcompanion in creating cherishedmemories, fostering lovingrelationships, and finding joy in theeveryday moments with your family.Join us in celebrating the love,laughter, and togetherness thatmakes family life beautiful.

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FAMILYCapturing Elegance: A Vogue-StyleMaternity PhotoshootIn a mesmerizing studio setup, a first-time mother-to-be, carrying twin boys,made a pilgrimage from Nashville toembrace the beauty of thistransformative period in her life. Thephotography style, a blend of dramatic-bold, moody-edgy, and portraitureelements, infused the images with depthand emotion, capturing the essence ofher journey into motherhood. The shoot's style, a fusion of glamorous,luxurious, modern, classic, elegant, andminimalist themes, exuded sophisticationand grace. Against the backdrop ofchanging seasons, the shoot celebratedthe timeless beauty of white, ivory, andblack, creating a striking contrast thatmirrored the duality of the expectantmother's experience. This vogue-stylematernity photoshoot was a testamentto the woman's strength, beauty, andanticipation of new life.

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FAMILYThe Venue: The Ruby ManorPhotographer: WPIC Inc. Second Photographer: Rose in BloomSecond Photographer: Rose Gold Productions

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FAMILYCapturing Precious Moments: How to GetYour Newborn Baby to Pose Perfectly forPhotos, Even When Awake.Welcoming a newborn into your family is anextraordinaryand joyous occasion. As parents,you are brimming with excitement andeagerness to capture every precious momentand create lasting memories throughbeautiful photographs. While it may seem challenging to get yournewborn to pose perfectly for photos, evenwhen awake, with a few tips and tricks, youcan capture those priceless momentsnaturally and stunningly.

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FAMILY1. Choose the Right Time:Timing is a key factor innewborn photography. It'sbest to schedule your photosession when your baby iscalm and content, such asafter feeding or napping. Awell-rested and comfortablebaby is more likely tocooperate and relax duringthe photo shoot, making iteasier to capture thoseprecious moments.

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FAMILY2. Create a SoothingEnvironment:Create a soothingenvironment to ensure yourbaby feels comfortableduring the photo session.Maintain a warmtemperature, use softlighting, and play gentlemusic to create a calmatmosphere. It will help yourbaby relax and be morecooperative.

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FAMILY3. Utilize Natural Light:Natural light is aphotographer's best friend innewborn photography. Positionyour baby near a large windowor in a well-lit area to takeadvantage of soft, diffusedlight. Utilizing natural light not onlyenhances the overall look ofthe photos but also creates agentle and serene ambiance.This adds a natural charm toyour newborn's photos, makingthem even more stunning andmemorable.4. Capture Candid Moments:Instead of solely focusing onposed shots, let's embrace thebeauty of candid momentswith your newborn. Babieshave a natural charm andinnocence that shines throughin candid photos. Capture their curiousexpressions, tiny yawns, andcaptivating eyes as theyexplore the world around them.These authentic momentsmake for stunning andmemorable photographs,inspiring you to appreciateyour baby's unique charm.

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FAMILY5. Involve Parents and Siblings:Including parents and siblings in thephoto session can add a layer ofconnection and love to the images.Encourage family members tointeract with the baby, creating anatural and heartfelt atmosphere. Capture tender moments betweensiblings, parents cradling thenewborn, or gentle kisses on thebaby's forehead. These photos willbe cherished for years to come.6. Be Patient and Flexible:Being patient and flexible is crucial during anewborn photo shoot. If your baby needs abreak, it's best to pause and allow them sometime to settle. Remember, the goal is tocapture genuine moments, and forcing posescan lead to stress and discomfort for both thebaby and the photographer.7. Use Props and Accessories:Incorporating props and accessories can adda touch of creativity and uniqueness to yournewborn photos. Soft blankets, cute hats,delicate headbands, or personalized propscan help create adorable and eye-catchingcompositions. However, it's essential toprioritize your baby's safety and comfortwhen using props.

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FAMILYPhotography by Christina Slaterchristinadooleyphotography.comCapturing your newborn baby's preciousmoments through photography is a beautifulway to preserve memories that will last alifetime. With proper planning, a soothingenvironment, and a flexible approach, youcan successfully capture beautiful photos ofyour baby, even when they are awake.Remember, the most essential aspect is toenjoy the process and embrace the genuinemoments that make your baby unique andspecial.

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Welcoming a new life into the world is a beautiful andmomentous occasion, and what better way tocelebrate it than with a stunning maternityphotoshoot? Witness a breathtaking maternity shootthat genuinely captured the essence of this particulartime."Capturing Maternity Elegance: A StunningMaternity Photoshoot"FAMILY

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The DressesThe mom-to-be adorned herself in a spectaculararray of dresses, each one more enchanting than thelast. The colors of the dresses - white, pink, lilac, andsky - added a soft and ethereal touch to the shoot,perfectly complementing the natural beauty of thesetting and the radiant glow of the expectant mother.The flowing designs of the dresses gracefullyaccentuated her baby bump, creating a trulymesmerizing sight.FAMILY

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Photography and Portraiture StyleThe photography style, utilizingnatural light, brought out the subtlebeauty of the moment. In contrast,the classic, elegant, minimalist, andromantic portraiture style added anair of timelessness to the images,ensuring that the focus remainedon the mother-to-be and herimpending motherhood.FAMILY

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Dressing Tips forMaternity ShootsFor those preparingfor their maternityshoot, here are sometips on dressing forthe occasion:Opt for flowing dressesthat accentuate yourbaby bump and allowfor comfortablemovement.Choose colors thatcomplement your skintone and the naturalsurroundings of theshoot.Wear dresses with light,breathable fabrics tohelp you feelcomfortable andconfident during theshoot.FAMILY

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Dressing Tips for MaternityShootsFor those preparing for theirmaternity shoot, here aresome tips on dressing forthe occasion:Opt for flowing dresses thataccentuate your baby bumpand allow for comfortablemovement.Choose colors thatcomplement your skin toneand the natural surroundingsof the shoot.Wear dresses with light,breathable fabrics to helpyou feel comfortable andconfident during the shoot.FAMILY

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Dressing Tips for MaternityShootsFor those preparing for theirmaternity shoot, here are sometips on dressing for the occasion:Opt for flowing dresses thataccentuate your baby bump andallow for comfortable movement.Choose colors that complementyour skin tone and the naturalsurroundings of the shoot.Wear dresses with light,breathable fabrics to help you feelcomfortable and confident duringthe shoot.

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Dressing Tips for Maternity ShootsFor those preparing for their maternityshoot, here are some tips on dressingfor the occasion:Opt for flowing dresses that accentuateyour baby bump and allow forcomfortable movement.Choose colors that complement yourskin tone and the natural surroundingsof the shoot.Wear dresses with light, breathablefabrics to help you feel comfortable andconfident during the shoot.Dressing Tips for Maternity ShootsFor those preparing for theirmaternity shoot, here are some tipson dressing for the occasion:Opt for flowing dresses thataccentuate your baby bump andallow for comfortable movement.Choose colors that complement yourskin tone and the natural surroundingsof the shoot.Wear dresses with light, breathablefabrics to help you feel comfortableand confident during the shoot.

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Our MustWatch &Read List

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Your Human Design: Use Your Unique Energy Typeto Manifest the Life You Were Born ForDiscover Your Unique Path to Success and FulfillmentUncover the power of Human Design, a revolutionarysystem for self-understanding that blends wisdomfrom various disciplines to reveal each individual'sunique energy type, natural talents, and life purpose.Written by the popular DayLuna Human DesignPodcast creators, this engaging and accessibleguide provides practical strategies for navigatingyour distinct life path with authenticity, ease, andsuccess.Why Hey Beauti Magazine Highlighted This Book Hey Beauti Magazine recognized the significance of "Your HumanDesign" for its ability to make the complex science of Human Designdigestible, fun, and relatable. The authors, Shayna Cornelius and DanaStiles poured their hearts and souls into creating a book that enablesreaders to lean into the highest expression of their design. Withpractical tips, practices, recommendations, and personalized insights,this book is the ultimate guide to understanding and living in uniquealignment and purpose, appealing to beginners and those seeking todeepen their understanding of Human Design.READ

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Warner Bros. Pictures is thrilled to unveil an electrifying new journey into theimaginative universe of M. Night Shyamalan with the release of 'Trap '. This grippingtale, uniquely told in the signature style of Shyamalan, brings to life the story of afather and his teenage daughter who, while attending a pop concert, find themselvesensnared in an unsettling and mysterious predicament.Under the direction of the visionary M. Night Shyamalan, 'Trap' features a stellar castincluding Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donoghue, and introduces music sensation SalekaShyamalan in a pivotal role, alongside Hayley Mills and Allison Pill. The film is acollaborative effort of producers Ashwin Rajan, Marc Bienstock, and M. NightShyamalan, with Steven Schneider serving as the executive producer.Bringing this chilling narrative to visual life is director of photography SayombhuMukdeeprom, known for his work on "Call Me by Your Name." The film's aesthetic iscrafted by production designer Debbie de Villa, of "The Hating Game" fame, and cut toprecision by editor Noëmi Preiswerk. Complementing the eerie atmosphere is the soundtrack by Herdĭs Stefănsdŏttir,known for "Knock at the Cabin," with music supervision by Susan Jacobs, celebrated forher work on "Old." The enigmatic world of "Trap" is dressed by costume designerCaroline Duncan, also from "Old," with casting by Douglas Aibel, renowned for "AsteroidCity."Get ready for a cinematic experience that promises to captivate and haunt audiences.'Trap ', a Blinding Edge Pictures production and an M. Night Shyamalan film, willpremiere in theaters across the nation on [August 9, 2024], and will make itsinternational debut starting [August 1, 2024]. Brought to you by Warner Bros. Pictures,this film is not just a movie; it's an invitation to explore the dark corners of suspenseand intrigue. Don't miss this enthralling adventure, only in theaters. PLEASE NOTE: Allphoto assets were provided directly to Hey Beauti Magazine by Warner Bros; allrights reserved. THE TRAPREAD

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M. Night Shyamalan's The Watchers is a gripping tale of survival and mystery. Weloved it! The film follows Mina, a 28-year-old artist stranded in a remote forest inwestern Ireland. There, she becomes trapped alongside three strangers and stalkedby enigmatic creatures each nightStarring Dakota Fanning, Georgina Campbell, Oliver Finnegan, and Olwen Fouere,and produced by M. Night Shyamalan, Ashwin Rajan, and Nimitt Mankad, "TheWatchers" promises an immersive cinematic experience. With a stellar behind-the-scenes team, including director of photography Eli Arenson, productiondesigner Ferdia Murphy, and editor Job ter Burg, the film is set to captivateaudiences with its enthralling visuals and compelling narrative.Scheduled for international release on June 12, 2024, and in North America onJune 14, 2024, "The Watchers" is a must-watch for fans of mystery and suspense.Prepare to be spellbound as the film unfolds a tale of unseen threats andunyielding survival.PLEASE NOTE: All photo assets were provided directly to Hey Beauti Magazineby Warner Bros; all rights reserved.THE WATCHERSWATCH

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Another one of our favorites. Prepare for the much-anticipated return of "Beetlejuice" asTim Burton and Michael Keaton reunite for the long-awaited sequel, "BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice." Keaton reprises his iconic role alongside Winona Ryder and CatherineO’Hara, with new cast members including Justin Theroux, Monica Bellucci, Arthur Conti,Jenna Ortega, and Willem Dafoe.In this thrilling sequel, after an unexpected family tragedy, three generations of theDeetz family return home to Winter River, where Lydia's life is once again entangled withthe mischievous demon Beetlejuice. When her rebellious teenage daughter, Astrid,stumbles upon a mysterious model of the town in the attic, it leads to the accidentalopening of a portal to the Afterlife, setting the stage for mayhem in both realms.Directed by Tim Burton and featuring a stellar behind-the-scenes team, includingdirector of photography Haris Zambarloukos and renowned composer Danny Elfman,"Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" promises to captivate audiences with its signature blend ofdark whimsy and compelling storytelling.Mark your calendars for the theatrical release of "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" on September6, 2024, and prepare to immerse yourself in a world of supernatural mischief and darkfantasy.PLEASE NOTE: All photo assets were provided directly to Hey Beauti Magazine byWarner Bros; all rights reserved. BeetlejuiceWATCH

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Hey there, movie lovers! Seriously, we loved this movie. Get ready for a thrilling journeyback to the iconic dystopian world of "Mad Max" with George Miller's highly anticipatedfilm, "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga." This all-new, standalone action adventure promises tounveil the origins of the powerhouse character from the global smash hit "Mad Max: FuryRoad."Anya Taylor-Joy takes on the title role, joined by the charismatic Chris Hemsworth, AlylaBrowne, and Tom Burke. In this gripping tale, young Furiosa is abducted from the GreenPlace of Many Mothers and is entangled with the formidable Biker Horde led by theWarlord Dementus. As she navigates the Wasteland, she encounters the Citadel presidedover by The Immortan Joe, setting the stage for a high-stakes struggle for dominance.The film, produced by George Miller and Doug Mitchell, brings together a stellar behind-the-scenes creative team, including the talented director of photography Simon Duggan,composer Tom Holkenborg, and award-winning production designer Colin Gibson. With alineup of esteemed collaborators, including Oscar winners from "Mad Max: Fury Road," thismovie promises to deliver an immersive and visually stunning experience.Set to hit theaters worldwide on May 24, 2024, "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" is a must-see forfans of the franchise and action-adventure enthusiasts alike. Prepare to embark on anepic cinematic journey that will transport you to the heart of the Wasteland. #FuriosaPLEASE NOTE: All photo assets were provided directly to Hey Beauti Magazine byWarner Bros; all rights reserved. MADMAXWATCH

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